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Go Flight EFIS F/O side

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Hey Pete,


sorry to ask but I'm really little bit struggling here


I just bought a second go flight efis control panel for F/O side ...using Project magenta


Now the CAPT side I conf with the offset file you posted, now do you have a offset file for the other side????


I did read somewhere that you just put 100+ for the parameters ...and obviously change the panel number (e.g. 170 = capt side , 171 F/O side) is that correct??? AND in saying that what about these two lines then:





Sorry I think this question prob already asked before but I couldn't find it on the forum




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Now the CAPT side I conf with the offset file you posted, now do you have a offset file for the other side????


What "offset file" is that? Are you sure you aren't referring to the Project Magenta offsets file which is accessible on the Project Magenta site?


I did read somewhere that you just put 100+ for the parameters ...and obviously change the panel number (e.g. 170 = capt side , 171 F/O side) is that correct???
How do you work out that 171 = 170 + 100? Why is "170" the "panel number"? Do you mean the joystick number? I don't know Goflight joystick numbers off by heart, you need to use FSUIPC -- press a button on the panel and see what number it comes up with.
AND in saying that what about these two lines then:





Well, without poring through lots of documents, I don't know about the first. How did you assign it that way, and why? Check the PM documents and see what offset 04FA being set to 20 (=x14) is supposed to do. I think it might be Captain's DH, in which case you need to look up the correct offset for the FO DH. The offsets list and instructions are on the PM site.


The second appears to be an assignment to the FS altimeter "Kohlsman set" control, to set the altimeter to STD. FS doesn't simulate the FO side, so that changes completely for PM -- you'd need to use the PM offset for the FO QNH. Again, that will be listed in PMs documents, not mine.






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hey pete,


well I found it in a conversation between you and Cbaye. "revisiting Goflight EFIS support"

the offsets I just had to copy past into the FSUIPC.ini file. I attached the file in text




regarding the 171= 170+100 ...its not what I meant


in the PM offset folder it says that you have to ADD +100 to the parameter for the F/O side


E.g.  104=P170,4,c2999,93  CAPT SIDE   making it    104=P170,4,c2999,193   F/O side  (does that seem correct???)


however then I don't know how you would change the 117=P170,14,cx010004FA,x14    AND 118=P170,15,c66040,16211


those 2 are indeed related to DH (117)  and Altimeter (118) pushbuttons to reset DH to 200FT and QNH to 1013

EFIS offset.txt

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just changed all the offsets.... by adding +100 on the parameter ... all buttons are working




DH F/O side inc , dec   AND reset to 200ft

QNH F/O side inc , dec AND reset to 1013


on the CAPT offsets its







do you know these offsets commands + parameters for F/O side???? I cant seem to find then anywhere (while I clearly found that 2065 and 2064 are PM PFD decision ht inc dec, so I guess that 65883 and 65884 are QNH) but that's all the info I can find...I cant find anything on F/O side control



and also the pushbuttons to reset the DH to 200ft and QNH to 1013 I can t seem to find for F/O side


where the capt side offset is






thank you for your help


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DH F/O side inc , dec   AND reset to 200ft

QNH F/O side inc , dec AND reset to 1013


on the CAPT offsets its







None of those are "offsets", they are controls. The first two are FScontrols -- FS Kohlsmans inc and dec. FS simulated the altimeter QNH setting, as I said, and PM doesn't interfere with that.


The other two controls are simply FSUIPC controls which write to PM offsets. For the FO side you must find the offsets and the parameters in the PM offsets list, as I already told you. Did you not bother to go look?


do you know these offsets commands + parameters for F/O side???? I cant seem to find then anywhere (while I clearly found that 2065 and 2064 are PM PFD decision ht inc dec, so I guess that 65883 and 65884 are QNH) but that's all the info I can find...I cant find anything on F/O side controland also the pushbuttons to reset the DH to 200ft and QNH to 1013 I can t seem to find for F/O side


Because the FO side is not handled by FS, only by PM. 


where the capt side offset is





Again, you don't appear to have read my previous reply!! The first one there is for the PM offset 04FA. You need the FO equivalent to that. Why not just look it up, as I would have to? The second (66040) is the FS control for the altimeter QNH and 16211 is the numeric value for 1013.2 hPA x 16. FS controls are listed in the FS controls list you have in your FSUIPC documents folder.  For the FO altimeter you'd need to write it to whatever offset PM is using.


Please please try and look things up for yourself. I am not PM support. They publish details of all their offsets for you to refer to.




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Hey Pete,


all off the above I already knew ...just didn't need to tell you as I think we both know what we talking about


the only thing I'm asking is for lines to make the F/O side to do what I want.... as you said c65883 and 4 are controls for CAPT side QNH (I did found it in your docs in FSUIPC list) ...AND I did look at the project magenta offset page


just its all confusing ... IF for the capt side the efis uses standard FS controls ...then I don't think I can set the F/O side as there isn't any control for that?


the only 2 offsets I found on PM list are


552E = Copilot QNH (same format as FS 0x330, active is non-zero)

5532 Co-pilot decision height (10s Feet, 200FT=20, 1050Ft=105, neg value is MDA)(Read/Write) (!) 552E has to be set for this to work



so how would I translate this now in a usable offset int he FSUIPC.ini





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just its all confusing ... IF for the capt side the efis uses standard FS controls ...then I don't think I can set the F/O side as there isn't any control for that?


Correct. you must use PM offsets provided exactly for that.


the only 2 offsets I found on PM list are


552E = Copilot QNH (same format as FS 0x330, active is non-zero)

5532 Co-pilot decision height (10s Feet, 200FT=20, 1050Ft=105, neg value is MDA)(Read/Write) (!) 552E has to be set for this to work



so how would I translate this now in a usable offset int he FSUIPC.ini


You mean a usable assignment, not offset.


Go to FSUIPC buttons and switched tab. Press the button you want to assign, Select "FS control" then find "Offset word set" in the drop down list. Enter the offset (eg x552E for the QNH) and the parameter (16211 for STD). Bingo! That's one done.


For the incrementing and decrementing of QNH and Decision Height you'd either need to write a Lua plug in to read the value, increase or decrease it, then write it back (this would be the most accurate way), or you could use FSUIPC's Offset Uword increment  and Offset Uword decrement controls. You'd need to experiment with the increment values to get a value which you like, per "click" of the knob. 


Don't GoFlight support the second EFIS unit at all by the way?




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lifesaver I should say :)))




1st programmed the buttons with "Offset word set" QNH(x552E) and DH(x5532) to STD(16211) ........ WORKING ,when pushing the button QNH goes to 1013




"Offset Uword increment" for QNH inc with offset x552E and parameter 12/0  ....NOT WORKING ,when turning the knob it jumps to 1014 and stays there

"Offset Uword decrement" for QNH dec with offset x552E and parameter 12/0 .......WORKING, when turning know QNH dec by 1  so 1013,1012,1011...etc



I swapped efis panels because I thought might maybe be the rotary knob faulty but on both panels it does the same :( ANY SUGGESTIONS ?



Goflight not supports much I must say ,...as like you said its actually PM or whatever software you use ...nothing to do with them

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"Offset Uword increment" for QNH inc with offset x552E and parameter 12/0  ....NOT WORKING ,when turning the knob it jumps to 1014 and stays there

"Offset Uword decrement" for QNH dec with offset x552E and parameter 12/0 .......WORKING, when turning know QNH dec by 1  so 1013,1012,1011...etc


Why 12/0 for the increment control? How did you arrive at that -- an increment of 12 and an upper limit of 0? Why an increment of 12 when the units are 16ths of an hPa? An with an upper limit of 0 it can't increment can it?


Try something sensible at least, like 16/16800 (limit of 1050 hPa)..


Your decrement is working because the lower limit of 0 won't stop it. But 12 < 16 so every few decrements it'll miss a click.



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totally right I just missed the upper limit ... my mistake ...think I was to hasty to get it working


BUT its all working fine now .... I used 12 because on the original setting FSX doesn't really inc it by full digits


THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH for your time, fast replies and fixing my problem.... you can put a big SOLVED next to the topic :)))



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