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Help with the MJC Q400 and GoFlight...

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I'm not having much luck getting any go flight buttons mapped to my MJC Q400 ... I'm monitoring the events via the FSUIPC console and see the events that get triggered when I click on the a button in the Q400 VC ... but when I associate that event to a GoFlight button, press the goFlight button see the event in the console but nothing happens in the Q400 VC.


I realize this might be better posted on the MJC forum, but thought I'd ask here in case anyone has some helpful hints or has been able to use FSUIPC with the MJC Q400.


This is in P3D V2.3.


Cheers, Rob.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not really understanding what you are saying. It seems that the MJC Q400 is using standard FS controls internally, from its gauges, but then ignoring them? Is that what you mean?


It might help if you showed relevant parts of the Log, with Events and Buttons/Key logging enabled. You can paste such test here, just use the <> button above the edit area to envelop it. We'd need to compare the same events when you click with a mouse and press a button.



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