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Import AI Traffic Using FSUIPC - Possible?

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Hey everybody,

I have coded a Server and Client network where all neccessary data is already transmitted, but now I need to know how I can include that Network Aircraft into the flightsimulator.


I have used google for that but after two days without any useful helps, I thought it's time to contact the pro's :D

Hope you guys can help me.


For better understanding.

You can compare my little network with a network like IvAo and/or vatsim.

But I hope with a better sourcecode and faster connection :D


And now I just need to know how I can insert the other aircrafts into my flightsim.


Thank you in advance !

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I'm afraid FSUIPC knows nothing about inserting traffic, and neither do I. In FS9 and before I think this was done using the Multiplayer interface as published by MS, with an SDK I think. It might be the same in FSX/P3D, but equally it might be done via SimConnect facilities.

The only association FSUIPC has ever had with muliplayer traffic has been a facility to inject the details of that traffic into its TCAS tables so that they would be shown on cockpit ND's in TCAS modes. Those facilities still exist.


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