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Im lost and stuck

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Okay, kind of a weird problem and dilemma im having.


Im using FSUIPC for everything with my joystick.


Now, I leave controllers enabled in my p3d settings so that I can use the mouse wheel zoom and pan because its easy for me due to my current cockpit setup. But when I leave controllers enabled i get a weird stutter with my ailerons, rudder, and elevator.


Here is a gif showing it : http://i.imgur.com/czbar3S.gifv  


The only way to fix that is to disable the controller settings in the P3D settings. But when i disable that, it disables my mousewheel zoom and pan forcing me to have to bind pan through fsuipc and use the plus and minus keys on the keyboard to zoom. my keyboard is far away from my joystick setup so you can see how that would be hard and uncomfortable.



Is there anyway I fix this by not disable the controller settings in P3D?



Edited by aimhawkx
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Im using FSUIPC for everything with my joystick.


Now, I leave controllers enabled in my p3d settings so that I can use the mouse wheel zoom and pan because its easy for me due to my current cockpit setup. But when I leave controllers enabled i get a weird stutter with my ailerons, rudder, and elevator.


You cannot have assignments in FSUIPC and leave controllers enabled in FS or P3D because it will still auto-assign things now and then. Do one or the other. You can still calibrate etc in FSUIPC even if you assign in FS/P3D.


The only way to fix that is to disable the controller settings in the P3D settings. But when i disable that, it disables my mousewheel zoom and pan forcing me to have to bind pan through fsuipc and use the plus and minus keys on the keyboard to zoom.


There are various Mouse facilities in FSUIPC. which include panning, zooming and moving your eyepoint. Why not use those? Have you not read the documentation or browsed the options on screen? Check the options on the Miscellaneous tab. 


The Mouselook and Mousemove facilities were added over two years ago, in version 4.84 (July 2012)!


Is there anyway I fix this by not disable the controller settings in P3D?


If you must enable controllers in P3D, you must use P3D for assignments rather than FSUIPC  if you don't want periodic trouble with double assignments when P3D does its automatic thing.






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