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I just installed Megaairport EDDF (with update 1.05) into P3D 2.5. Everything is fine and I can see all runways and the numbers are displayed e.g. 07C. But the problem is that in the airport selection menu I do not see that runway - only the old number = 07L. Then I used the current version of Makerunways and got still the same result e.g. the 07C is not detected. I also looked into the created runways.xml and the new runway is not there.


The scenery for Mega Airport Frankfurt I installed in the Prepar3D v2\Aerosoft\  directory......




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I just installed Megaairport EDDF (with update 1.05) into P3D 2.5. Everything is fine and I can see all runways and the numbers are displayed e.g. 07C. But the problem is that in the airport selection menu I do not see that runway - only the old number = 07L. Then I used the current version of Makerunways and got still the same result e.g. the 07C is not detected. I also looked into the created runways.xml and the new runway is not there.


If it isn't in the P3D selection menu, and not in the MakeRunways lists, then it is not defined correctly in the Scenery. So you need to go to the support forum for that product, right? Not sure why you'd report it here?



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