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Frankfurt Runways problems

Paulo Romeira

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Hello !


There's a problem with Frankfurt airport. When runways 7L,7C,7R are selected, i got the "negative" error when i send planes to departure from runways 7C,7L and 7R.

Now...the most funny thing, if i say for example:   "DLH400, taxi to runway 7R", i got the error message, but if i say "DLH400, taxi to runway R", the planes goes to runway 7R. This works also for the runway 7L.

For the runway 7C, nothing works. 

For the arrivals, if i got a plane that will arrive in runway 7L and i send the message "enter final runway 7C" or "enter final runway 7R" i got the "negative" error. The same with runway 7R.


Otherwise, no problems with runways 18, 25C,25L or 25R.


THanks in advance



PS:sorrry for my english....



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Hi Paul,


I don't have Frankfurt but it sounds similar to MIA when it first came out.


For the single digit runways try "zero" before the number. EG Seagull 246 taxi to runway zero seven right.


May not make any difference but worth a try.



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