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ATC Products Update


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Hi Vic,

This forum has been very quiet recently in comparison to previous periods of activity. I wondered if you could take a few minutes to update us all on what ATC products you are currently working on and what we can expect to see in the latter half of 2017?


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Hi Wayne,


-We are working on Tracon!2012:SE to be released in the next 2-3 weeks. 
-In the meantime we plan to check the issue at Terminal F at KATL.
-We also working on KLAS for T!3DX. We are developing an internal tool that will allow us to release airports more often.
-We know Nyerges Design and SimSmith is working on at least one airport each 

...and we are also (very secretively) working on something big (bigger than anything we have ever worked on). There are so many things involved in that project but I expect we will come out to the spotlight sometimes around fall-early winter this year. I'm 100% sure we will surprise all of you when we will show you this project :)

Most importantly; we are planning to celebrate our 15th anniversary with you starting later this week :) 

Thank you



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  • 5 months later...
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We are planning to launch the Steam version with some discount built into the price for the first couple of days. Unfortunately we can't "connect" the customer database with Steam's so there is no way to apply BMT (FeelThere, ATCSuite) discounts on Steam. We try to do our best by the initial discount on Steam as an interim solution.


Thank you



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