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LNAV problem FSX


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At the Wilco website I found this:


An unofficial unsupported forum can be found at http://forum.simflight.com/forum/169-feelthere-support-forums/ where you can communicate with other customers.
This is not an official technical support forum.


This link brings you HERE!


So he is in fact at the correct forum and although FEELTHERE might be willing to help him, there might be other customers with the same problem that can discuss it here and come to:

a) a solution, or

b) the conclusion there is something wrong with the product so they can fill out a WILCO support ticket.


A moderator simply chasing simmers away from their forum defeats the purpose of even having a forum!

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8 hours ago, Emiflyer said:

A moderator simply chasing simmers away from their forum defeats the purpose of even having a forum!

feelThere developed the 737 for Wilco over 10 years ago.  the plane is not a feelThere product and support is provided by Wilso, the owner and publisher of the simulation.

if your question is about the 'newer' 737 EVO ... feelThere had nothing to do with that plane's development.

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