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FixControlAccel=Yes in P3DV4

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I am having knobs in the panel causing increments of 10 for standard SDK (INC/DEC) commands, instead of 1, intermittently, in P3DV4.

This reminds me of FSX where the FixControlAccel=Yes parameter cured some of this behavior.

This is not currently implemented in V5 for P3DV4, as per the user documentation..

Maybe it is required..



Update... I was able to resolve my issue by using a different set of variables.. so, for now, the urgency is off.



Edited by bpieke
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5 hours ago, bpieke said:

I am having knobs in the panel causing increments of 10 for standard SDK (INC/DEC) commands, instead of 1, intermittently, in P3DV4.

This reminds me of FSX where the FixControlAccel=Yes parameter cured some of this behavior.

Unfortunately I cannot do it in P3Dv4. It was only my list of requests to L-M but I'm afraid they've not implemented any of those yet.

It is normally due to the add-on aircraft in question invading the Windows' queue of requests with many repeats of its own, and these being interpreted as repeats of your one command.



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That is entirely plausible, since the aircraft detects the hovering of the mouse over the knob.

This is used in the code to trigger the knob lighting up.  The Wheel Up and WheelDown commands would likely

be surrounded by a stream of 'Move' commands.

Code snippet:

(M:Event) 'WheelUp'        scmp 0 == if{  xxxxx  }
(M:Event) 'WheelDown'      scmp 0 == if{  yyyyy  }  

(M:Event) 'LeftSingle'     scmp 0 == if{ zzzzz }

(M:Event) 'RightSingle'   scmp 0 == if{ aaaaa }

(M:Event) 'Move'           scmp 0 == if{ bbbbb  }


Edited by bpieke
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