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47 minutes ago, Capt disaster said:

could you please tell me how to reverse Axis on my pro flight rudder pedals as they brake when I have no pressure on them and if I press my toes down the brakes come off. I am using PD3v4. 

Use the Reverse option. In P3D is you aren't using FSUIPC, or in FSUIPC's calibration tab. (BTW the User Documentation is your friend here, and there's are pictures).

47 minutes ago, Capt disaster said:

Also how can I smooth out the action

If it is jittery then either is it dirty or faulty, or the power suppply is fluctuating. If you mean changing the response, then again look at the Calibration. As well as doing proper calibration with dead zones you can set response type by using the right "slope" for you.

There is a "smooth" option, but it isn't recommended except in really bad cases, as in order to smooth things several successive input values need averaging, making the response slower. It might be okay for airliners, but certainly not for stunt aircraft, aerobatics, or fighters.



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1 hour ago, Capt disaster said:

Hi Pete

where do I find the user Documentation? 


Oh dear. Didn’t you read the Installation document included in your downloaded Zip file?

All FSUIPC documentation, plus many other ‘goodies’ are in the FSUIPC Documents folder within the sim’s Modules folder, right next to FSUIPC itself!



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