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Etai Charit

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  1. I fly only the 175 and would prefer it to be painted El-Al with this tail number. Thank you!
  2. Thank you so much, they both look awesome! Another one that might be nice if you have the time: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Flive.staticflickr.com%2F4474%2F37307670404_61d7c239a4_b.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.flickr.com%2Fphotos%2Fplodgeface%2F37307670404&tbnid=FHieYmROEab-8M&vet=10CAUQMyjKAWoXChMIwMqUt9-w6AIVAAAAAB0AAAAAEAM..i&docid=Iih1Wsa3WjvK_M&w=1024&h=683&q=lineage 1000e&ved=0CAUQMyjKAWoXChMIwMqUt9-w6AIVAAAAAB0AAAAAEAM And another, on the gentler, classier side: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.luxatic.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F03%2FEmbraer-Lineage-1000E-Hollywood-1.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fluxatic.com%2Fembraer-lineage-1000e-manhattan-hollywood-designs-take-luxury-to-new-heights%2F&tbnid=aVdPbO97P4j3yM&vet=12ahUKEwjJrLSa37DoAhVQYK0KHXJjDKQQMygMegUIARCBAg..i&docid=HpGZopNhh7OS4M&w=2400&h=1200&q=lineage 1000e&ved=2ahUKEwjJrLSa37DoAhVQYK0KHXJjDKQQMygMegUIARCBAg Since you asked, I'd love a livery 4X-EA1 if possible. Thank you so much for you tremendous work!
  3. Thank you for the awesome work so far! A few requests/suggestions that would be fun to have, hopefully for others as well: 1. Business Jet (Lineage 1000E) liveries - something classy and businessy. 2. Republic Airways. 3. El-Al Israeli Airline (fictional).
  4. Hello guys, I like the product and think overall you did a very good job. I did encounter most of the other issues I have seen in this forum and can't wait for them to be fixed, and thank you for being so well connected to the community to work on them this quickly. In addition to me wanting TERR display, it seems like the FO Map doesn't show WX, only CA MFD. Both are correctly set (real life system knowledge). This was on the 175.
  5. I have the same issue. 175 variant. When I first installed the airplane it didn't happen. Second time I loaded the airplane and on - this situation occurs and cannot be changed - Autobrakes, Windshield wipers, same for cockpit door lock switch and rudder trim switch. Same thing when uninstalled and reinstalled - first time no problem, second time and on - it's happening.
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