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Posts posted by Jindřich

  1. Well, I was unable to run this successfully under IIS, but it works under Abyss web server.

    I found a problem anyways. (I decompile your project, just to find the error, hope it is ok). The environment somehow remembers the dataGroups collection, and when multiple Process() are called, the dataGroups is filled again with the same offsets until it reaches the MaximumDataSize and throws exception. I added dataGroups.Clear() method to the end of FSUIPCConnection.Close(), while calling the Close method anytime the work with FSUIPC is done and it's now working perfectly.

    Would you somehow clear the collection when Close is called or add the posibility to clear the stuff any other way and update in NuGet?
    Thanks, Jindřich

  2. Hi, did someone ever try to use the FSUIPC Client dll under IIS environment?

    I like to have simulator control panel accessible via intranet web site, the web server is running on the same PC as FSUIPC.
    I wrote a simple button, that - when running in debug mode in VS using the IISExpress is working as expected, but when I deploy the site to IIS, it throws an exception cannot open connection to FSUIPC (FSUIPC Error #2: FSUIPC_ERR_NOFS).

    Thanks for any help.

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