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Posts posted by bigcav

  1. Hello all


    I know this is an old post, but l have been having the same problem.


    "The folder of Google Earth does not meet the expectations of the operating system"


    I am running Windows 7..... FSX gold.... FSC 9.6 (tried this in 9.2 and it also works)


    I think l have found the problem.......The newer versions of Google Earth.


    I went into "Google Earth auto updates" and downloaded and installed Version 6.1.

    (We are now on 7.4)


    Everything now works fine, Google Earth auto-loads as soon as you click

    "show position in Google Earth"







    • Upvote 1
  2. Hello


    I was wondering if there is anyway to reduce the size of the red FSC aircraft in Google Earth?






    1.  FSX

    2. FSUIPC = 4.9    WideFS =7.9

    3 .FS Commander =9.4 build 11th December 2013

        Database Manager = 9.4  15th December 2013

    4. Aerosoft Version

    5. Op system = Windows 7  32bit




  3. Hello

    I have used Flightsim commander it its various versions now for several years and over all l find it the best flight planner/moving map.

    But, l wish you would do somthing about the size of the little GPS window.

    I run FSC on a different computer to FSX, it is only a little screen and is four/five feet away from me. My eye sight isnt what it used to be and l am having trouble reading such a small box. I was hoping that the GPS window in the new V9 would be sizeable.

    I have installed the latest update, but nothing seems to have changed, other than being able to connect to Google earth, which is very good by the way. I have read somewhere that the GPS window cant be changed because it's a 'graphic', what ever that is, but surely someone as smart as you can do somthing. After all you must have made the original gpsbox, size and all, so why cant you make it bigger or sizeable.

    Please do something.


    carl vokes

  4. Hello everyone.

    I have had to have my computer wiped clean.

    So all my flightsim programs have come off and have been re-installed. I do not want to buy or upgrade to FSC9, as l am more than happy with V8.What l do want to do is download the updates to make it V8.6 again, but l cant find the updates anywhere. Can any body help me please.


    Carl Vokes

  5. Hello Pete

    "Oh no its him again"

    Now, even if you fly back to the place you originally started out at it should be okay, because the traffic will be added more gradually and SimConnect should cope with the requests FSUIPC is making. Where was that, by the way, and were there large add-on airports there?

    Have installed the update and have tried flying from various airfields with various levels of traffic. WideFs kicks in every time. The airfield l use as adefault is KEDW Edwards Airfield. Middle of the desert, but the airfield itself is quite detailed and l do have most things turned up.

    Its un-installer obviously forgot about the EXE.XML entry!

    Is there anything l can do to get rid of it or am l thinking above my brain level?

    BTW you might want to keep the TrafficX crew updated as to our findings, to let them know it isn't anything specific to TrafficX, just to do with airport and traffic density settings.

    Pointed them to your forum and had the following two replies:

    Hi Carl

    Thank you for the information on the forum, I have forwarded your last email onto developer who should be able to provide more insight into the compatibility between WideFS and Traffic X. I will get back to you shortly.

    Hi Carl

    I had received the following from the developer of Traffic X;

    ‘Hi Sam,

    ‘If l just install TrafficX, without running TCC everything works fine. ‘

    so the only solution it seems would be to not use the TCC, Where I still don't understand how the TCC should cause a problem. It's compiling a traffic database - that's all... it doesn't interfere with FS in any way.

    I must admit I'm a bit lost here...



    So thats it really. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP. I know somtimes you must have thought you were dealing with a complete idiot. Well lm not complete yet, but l'm working on it.

    Thanks again



  6. Hello Pete

    Two things

    1. Dont know why its trying to start REX2. It was un-installed last August!

    2. l think you might have cracked it..... I set up a flight from SAWB, thats in the Antartic, so, no traffic. Didnt touch any of the traffic sliders.

    Pressed 'fly now' and WHAM.. WideFS kicked in within 10 seconds.

    How about that!!



  7. Hello Pete

    Bet your thinking "Oh no not him again"

    I just don't understand why any of this is anything to do with this "TCC". Whendo you run it and why, except after adding new scenery?

    I do only ever run it if l add an aircraft or airfield, but when l first had trouble with WideFS not starting, l had those aircraft i.d. across the tool bar, so l un-installed TrafficX to see if it would clear the Widefs connection problem up. IT DID.

    I then re-installed it and ran the TCC to set it up again. Problem returned. Un-installed it and then re-installed it, but without running TCC. No problem.

    I dont runTCC evrytime. No point.

    Are you sure there was no EXE.XML file?

    Dont know if it the same one, but found exe.xml(not EXE.XML) in the same folder as the FSX.cfg file. It say that it was last modified on the 13/11/2010.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" ?>

    - <SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0">





    - <Launch.Addon>

    <Name>Real Environment Xtreme - Weather Engine 2</Name>


    <Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\Real Environment Xtreme 2.0\rexwxengine2.exe</Path>


    - <Launch.Addon>

    <Name>Saitek Panel(s) Plugin for FSX</Name>


    <Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\Saitek\Pro Flight Panels\SaiPanels.exe</Path>



    - <Launch.Addon>

    <Name>GoFlight Hardware Interface</Name>


    <Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\GoFlight\GFDevFSX.exe</Path>

    <CommandLine />


    - <Launch.Addon>

    <Name>Saitek Panel(s) Plugin for FSX</Name>


    <Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\Saitek\Pro Flight Panels\SaiPanelsFS9.exe</Path>



    - <Launch.Addon>

    <Name>Saitek DirectOutput RadioStack</Name>


    <Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\Saitek\DirectOutput\SaiFlightSimX.exe</Path>




    That last is from a scenery designer, isn't it? Airport Facilities Designer?

    Dont know how that was installed but it has been un-installed now!

    Was this SimConnect log one taken during a session where WideServer didn't start?


    If its a toss up between TrafficX going out the window and WideFS, then its good-bye TrafficX and hello some other AI traffic program. Any suggestions?



  8. Hello Pete

    Glad you sorted the FAQ out. Thought it was me being thicker than l usually am.

    Sent you the simconnect0 file to your e-mail. Hope you got it?

    Have sorted out where the simconnect logging files are kept so l can get at them when ever you want. Will save a copy of each if need be.



  9. Hello Pete

    I probably wont explain this very well, but here goes.

    TrafficX sits inside the FSX program. Once you have installed it, it fires up automatically when you open FSX.

    There is a program within TrafficX called "Traffic control centre" , which you are supposed to run after first installing TrafficX so it can pick up the airfield and aircraft cfgs and create the flight plans. But it seems to do that anyway without running TCC.


    During the course of running TCC there is a section called "Traffic movements" where you get it to "compile trafficx flight plans" It asks you were you want them stored. In the instrctions that come with it, it says to put them in and over-write the trafficX.bgl file.

    Once you have done everything its asks, unless you want to add/remove somthing, i.e. aircraft, airfield, flight plan etc, you dont need to run it again.

    The problem l am having only occures after l run the TCC.

    Thinking back, TrafficX hasn't run quite right since l moved on to Windows 7. It ran ok in Vista.

    Dont know if any of this helps



  10. Hello Pete

    Here is the XML.DLL log you asked for. It say that the last time is was modified was 17/11/10. Dont know if it is of any help. Am trying to work out the simconnect thing. Will post it asap.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" ?>

    - <SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0">





    - <Launch.Addon>




    <Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\AFX Demo\AFXModuleFSX.dll</Path>


    - <Launch.Addon>

    <Name>Object Placement Tool</Name>



    <Path>..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Mission Creation Kit\object_placement.dll</Path>


    - <Launch.Addon>

    <Name>Traffic Toolbox</Name>



    <Path>..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Environment Kit\Traffic Toolbox SDK\traffictoolbox.dll</Path>


    - <Launch.Addon>

    <Name>Visual Effects Tool</Name>



    <Path>..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Environment Kit\Special Effects SDK\visualfxtool.dll</Path>


    - <Launch.Addon>

    <Name>VistaMare Core</Name>





    - <Launch.Addon>

    <Name>FSUIPC 4</Name>







  11. Me again

    Sorry Pete

    Must have my stupid head on. Tried to follow the instructions in FAG but

    dont understand most of them.


    where you need to replace the "" by your particular path for the main FSX folder,
    mean. And have tried to create a file called Simconnect.ini, but it appears l already have one.



  12. Hello Pete

    Here are the three files you wanted.

    I can confirm that Wide client was not working.

    ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.60a by Pete Dowson *********

    Reading options from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini"

    Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ...

    User Name="carl vokes"

    User Addr="carl-dee@platts65.freeserve.co.uk"

    FSUIPC4 Key is provided

    WideFS7 Key is provided

    Running inside FSX on Windows 7 (using SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07)

    Module base=61000000

    Wind smoothing fix is fully installed


    610 System time = 20/11/2010 16:23:05

    625 FLT UNC path = "\\OWNER-PC\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\"

    625 FS UNC path = "\\OWNER-PC\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\"

    1125 LogOptions=00000000 00000001

    1125 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

    8422 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0)

    8422 Initialising SimConnect data requests now

    8422 FSUIPC Menu entry added

    8485 \\OWNER-PC\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\test set up 2 default.FLT

    8485 \\OWNER-PC\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Beech_King_Air_350\Beech_King_Air_350.AIR

    323453 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 115 secs = 29.8 fps

    331438 System time = 20/11/2010 16:28:36

    331438 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

    Average frame rate for running time of 115 secs = 29.8 fps

    Memory managed: 2 Allocs, 2 Freed

    ********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********

    ********* WideClient Log [version 6.78] Class=FS98MAIN *********

    Date (dmy): 17/11/10, Time 13:17:49.563: Client name is FLIGHTSIM2

    219 Attempting to connect now

    1233 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast

    1233 Failed to connect: waiting to try again

    3276 Attempting to connect now

    68500 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast

    984195 New Client Application: "FSC" (Id=620)

    1322062 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast

    ********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 7.60a] *********

    Blocksize guide = 4096 (double allowed)

    Date (dmy): 20/11/10, Time 15:50:11.668: Server name is OWNER-PC

    15438 Initialising TCP/IP server

    15453 Initialising IPX/SPX server

    15453 IPX/SPX socket() failed [Error=10044] Socket type not supported

    15453 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

    15453 Initialising UDP/IP server

    16063 Broadcasting service every 1000 mSecs

    16657 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=9092) TCP

    17032 Connected to computer "FLIGHTSIM2" running WideClient version 6.780 (skt=9092) TCP

    63750 Close signalled to clients

    64860 Closing down now ...

    Memory managed: Offset records: 40 alloc, 38 free

    Read buffer usage: 21 alloc, 21 free, max in session: 1

    Write buffer usage: 1057 alloc, 1057 free, max in session: 1

    Throughput maximum achieved: 30 frames/sec, 754 bytes/sec

    Throughput average achieved for complete session: 8 frames/sec, 202 bytes/sec

    Average receive rate from "FLIGHTSIM2": 0 frames/sec, 16 bytes/sec

    ********* Log file closed *********

    Hope these are more help than the last lot l sent you



  13. Hello Pete

    Dont know how much of a help these will be.

    WideFS.log and Wideclient log were took this morning and FSUIPC.log was taken tonight.

    I have been running FSX most of the day with TrafficX t/c/c not active and everything has been ok.

    If these are of no use,l can reinstate Traffic t/c/c again and run FSx for abit and re-copy the logs.

    I can do this over the weekend and send them again on Monday.

    anyway here goes

    ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.60a by Pete Dowson *********

    Reading options from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini"

    Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ...

    User Name="carl vokes"

    User Addr="carl-dee@platts65.freeserve.co.uk"

    FSUIPC4 Key is provided

    WideFS7 Key is provided

    Running inside FSX on Windows 7 (using SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07)

    Module base=61000000

    Wind smoothing fix is fully installed


    438 System time = 18/11/2010 14:12:56

    453 FLT UNC path = "\\OWNER-PC\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\"

    453 FS UNC path = "\\OWNER-PC\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\"

    922 LogOptions=00000000 00000001

    922 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

    4922 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0)

    4922 Initialising SimConnect data requests now

    4922 FSUIPC Menu entry added

    4953 \\OWNER-PC\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\test set up 2 default.FLT

    4953 \\OWNER-PC\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Beech_King_Air_350\Beech_King_Air_350.AIR

    130969 \\OWNER-PC\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\ALPHA MV-22 Osprey\Osprey.AIR

    130969 Weather Mode now = Real World

    130984 \\OWNER-PC\Documents\flight simulator x files\v22vat ayres.FLT

    171234 System time = 18/11/2010 14:15:47, Simulator time = 06:00:19 (22:00Z)

    171250 Aircraft="ALPHA V-22 Osprey JASDF 50th anniversary"

    175078 GoFlight GF166 detected: 1 device

    175078 GoFlight GFMCP detected: 1 device

    175078 GoFlight GF46 detected: 1 device

    177047 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled

    215125 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 39 secs = 29.5 fps

    15984891 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 15759 secs = 29.5 fps

    15997594 \\OWNER-PC\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\Previous flight.FLT

    16018531 System time = 18/11/2010 18:39:54, Simulator time = 06:00:19 (22:00Z)

    16018531 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

    Average frame rate for running time of 15799 secs = 29.5 fps

    Memory managed: 7736 Allocs, 7735 Freed

    ********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********

    ********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 7.60a] *********

    Blocksize guide = 4096 (double allowed)

    Date (dmy): 17/11/10, Time 17:53:26.547: Server name is OWNER-PC

    16031 Initialising TCP/IP server

    16031 Initialising IPX/SPX server

    16031 IPX/SPX socket() failed [Error=10044] Socket type not supported

    16031 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

    16031 Initialising UDP/IP server

    18015 Broadcasting service every 1000 mSecs

    20625 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=9628) TCP

    20718 Connected to computer "FLIGHTSIM2" running WideClient version 6.780 (skt=9628) TCP

    12011343 Error 10053: client socket disconnected at Client: removing (skt=9628) TCP

    12050500 Close signalled to clients

    12051609 Closing down now ...

    Memory managed: Offset records: 5839 alloc, 5837 free

    Read buffer usage: 14464 alloc, 14464 free, max in session: 1

    Write buffer usage: 353725 alloc, 353725 free, max in session: 1

    Throughput maximum achieved: 31 frames/sec, 3473 bytes/sec

    Throughput average achieved for complete session: 14 frames/sec, 1099 bytes/sec

    Average receive rate from "FLIGHTSIM2": 1 frames/sec, 37 bytes/sec

    ********* Log file closed *********

    ********* WideClient Log [version 6.78] Class=FS98MAIN *********

    Date (dmy): 17/11/10, Time 13:17:49.563: Client name is FLIGHTSIM2

    219 Attempting to connect now

    1233 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast

    1233 Failed to connect: waiting to try again

    3276 Attempting to connect now

    68500 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast

    984195 New Client Application: "FSC" (Id=620)

    1322062 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast

    Hope these are the right ones


    Carl Vokes

  14. Hello Pete

    Thanks for coming back to me so soon.

    I do not think for one minute that WideFS is the problem. I am as sure as l can be that TrafficX control centre is the cause.

    In answer to your questions.

    What was "showing a list of AI aircraft"? .............On the bar next to where it says "add-ons"

    See attached pete dowson 1

    TrafficX is in no way related to WideFS. How exactly are you detecting whether WideFS is "working" or not?..............Because it has always displayed somthing either "with WideServer: waiting for clients" or ""with WideServer: n connected". And on the other computer wideclient is displaying "Waiting for connection" plus the fact that nothing starts to display on FSC.

    Why not paste here the WideServer and WideClient log files, which would be the first place to look to determine if there's a problem? I can't do anything for you with no information....... Hopefully the two files are attached aswell.

    Hope all this helps


    Carl Vokes

    P.S. Have tried to upload the two files WideServer and Wide client to this page but it says that "You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file." Here is my e-mail address, perhaps l can send them to you from there.


    post-11203-089896500 1290092677_thumb.pn

  15. Hello Pete

    Followed yout instructions to the letter and everything ALMOST worked out fine.

    Couldn't get WideFS to work. Instead of saying "wide server 1 connected" it was showing me a list of AI aircraft.

    AI traffic is supplied by TrafficX.

    I un-installed TrafficX and tried again and it connected up first time.

    Re installed Traffic X and used their Traffic control centre and WideFS stopped working again.

    Un-installed and re-installed TrafficX and used it without running traffic control centre and WideFs worked fine.

    Did this several times, with the same results.

    I am going to send a copy of this e-mail to Just Flight, who make TrafficX and see what they say.

    Thought you might like to know, just incase sombody else has a simular problem.


    Carl Vokes

  16. Hello Pete

    thank you for the speedy reply

    Sorry didnt explain myself very well.

    I am running FSX gold on two computers. FSX on one and FSC on the other, linked by your very good program.

    Last August 2009, l bought FSUIPC 4.53 and wideFS.

    I am having a couple of minor problems with TrafficX and FSC.

    I have been told that having the latest FSUIPC and wideFS might make a difference.

    I was just wondering if l would have to re-install some of my add-ons and my Go-flight instruments?

    And do l just un-install the old FSUIPC using add/remove programs in W7


    Carl Vokes

  17. Hello there

    I am running FSX on two W7 computers.

    I have FSUIPC and wideFS which l purchased last year before the upgrade. I am thinking of buying the lastest versions.

    1. Is it just a matter of going into add/remove programs to un-install FSUIPC/Widefs.

    2. After installing the new versions, will l have to reinstall my go-flight stuff or will it pick them up automatically?


    Carl Vokes(bigcav)

  18. hello soupwop

    l have two comps, one with fsx and one with fsc connected via a network and widefs. They work fine but were a sod to set up.

    From what you describe it looks like your widefs setup is the problem. Try these if you havent already. they are silly but they court me out.

    1. I assume that you bought the combined FSIUPC/widefs version. Did you register them seperately. They do have seperate codes and widefs MUST be registered for it to work correctly, regardless what anyone says. Have a look in add-ons/fsiupc on your flightsim screen, it will tell you there whats registered and whats not.

    2. Wideclient on your FSC computer has to be manually opened for it to work. Some times when you first install fsc, it does not make a shortcut on the desk top. Create one and turn it on before turning on your fsc.

    3. Let your flight in fsx run for about 30 seconds before you click on the connect to fs in the fsc-gps box.

    Hope this is of some help


  19. Computer 1 Windows 7 with updates

    FSX Gold

    FSIUPC 8.5 with wideserver

    networked to

    Computer 2 XP with updates

    FSC 8.6


    Hello all

    My computers have been running well till yesterday when l had " 'msg#14' could not connect to fsx "come up on computer 2. After a brief look on the forum it appeared that it was somthing to do with the internet connection. Before hitting the panic button and trawling the internet l did a system restore on computer 2 back to an earlier date and it cured it.

    Hope this helps if anyone gets the same problem :D



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