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  1. Some good testing there, thanks @n0taurius. I think your two word summary best sums up my experience as well and it's looking like we / I may need to wait for the MSFS / NXi devs to fully implement the function. I will retry the one that worked for you but not me to confirm as fresh spawn loads are on the whole working for me. It's been an interesting exercise.
  2. Great, thanks - and no hurry 🙂
  3. I've emptied my community folder and I only have LNM, FSUIPC and MSFS running. I've carried out 4 tests: - Note - all flight plans [fp] are exports from LNM and all imports are through FSUIPC, with one exception, which is test 4 - that was through the world map import function 1. imported a 2 point fp [ksez-kprc], correctly appears in the instrument view 2. imported a 3 point fp [ksez-juwso-kprc] over the top of 1 and it didn't update the existing fp in the instrument view 3. imported a 3 point fp [ksez-juwso-kprc], all OK except juwso is showing as a blank space in the instrument view (see attached picture) 4. imported the same 3 point fp [ksez-juwso-kprc] through the world map view and all 3 points are present in the instrument view (see attached picture) I've uploaded screenshots for 3 and 4 along with the 3 point fp. @n0taurius if you get chance please could you try the same to see if you get different results and perhaps attach a 3 or more fp that you have created and I'll try that? IFR Sedona (KSEZ) to Ernest A Love Field (KPRC).pln
  4. From one of the recent comments. the NXi mod authors (Working Title Simulation) are a Microsoft contracted team hired to recreate the full Cessna Garmin instrument so yeah it was the last thing I expected given how close they are to the MSFS project. I am doing a bit more experimenting, which may take a while but once I've finished (probably tomorrow now) I'll upload a plan that fails.
  5. Here is the response from the NXi team and it's not good unfortunately, which is a shame as the NXi mod is very useful. I did ask if they would consider it and he did give a bit of hope but doesn't sound like anything soon, so I guess I will have to do without the NXi mod until that time as the capability for me to load flight plans trumps the NXi mod, at least for me.
  6. I spoke too soon, looks like it is NXi that is not playing nicely. I'll post on their discord to see if they can provide some insight. I still need to look into why it won't update via FSUIPC, which may take a while and a possible install. Before I do, please could you ( @n0taurius ) confirm you can update the plan OK to overwrite an existing plan, so an initial load and then update both using FSUIPC, thanks?
  7. Thanks @n0taurius, I will give that a watch and try out. From my end I removed the two mods / addons. I also found a simconnect install from early August, which I have also removed. The results are definitely a step forward as I can now load a direct (two entry) flight plan into my plane but it won't accept any updates after that, even if it is just a change to the destination. I've also tried loading a slightly more complex plan with one WP and that loaded OK as well. So the initial flight plan load looks like it is now working but I need to dig deeper into why changes aren't working. I will also load NXi back in to see if it was that or the simconnect (expect the latter).
  8. @John Dowson I don't know if this is useful or not but here's a snip of conversation from discord outlining in a bit more detail the process @n0taurius and I are using. Like @n0taurius I have a pretty straight forward implementation although I do have two addons installed, which @n0taurius may not have. They are the Cessna 172 G1000 NXi mod and LRM. I'll remove both later this afternoon to see if it makes any difference and will confirm back here. Again many thanks to you both for taking the time out to take a look.
  9. Thanks both, assume that was for n0taurius? 🙂 I am using 7.2.8 so I will try updating as well.
  10. That's a shame but thanks for letting me know. Hopefully it'll be fixed / implemented at some point in the near future.
  11. Hi, I've just purchased FSUIPC7 and I am trying to use the load flight plan function but it doesn't appear to be loading the plan into my plane. I was advised by another user that I can do that while I am in my plane, which happens to be a Cessna 172 G1000 in this instance. Thanks in advance.
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