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Posts posted by Roland

  1. Hi to all at LAGO,

    i never installed a Payware-Plane wich made such Problems.

    I really wonder.

    A lot of Bugs are already posted. Here are some new (?)

    1) No funktional Landinglight in VC, only in 2D-Panel.

    2) The Panellight-Button swiches on/off the Fuelgauge (empty with lights of and working with lights on). Also the Oil-temparture shows different Values.

    3) No Splash-Sound when landing with floats.

    4) Annoying "Gear-not-down"-Warning, with flaps down in the Amphibian Version, or have i to lower Gear on Waterlandings???

    and 5) where is the Gearlever? (amphibian only)

    6) should i hear any other sound when klicking Fasten seatbelts or no smoking signs, then "Klick"

    With the panel loaded, it takes up to 7 sec to aktivate a menue, and it takes about 28 sec to toggle between Windows- an Fullscreenmode.

    What about this "Active Camera"? Not only the old Version causes Problems with Sounds in Emma Field, even with the new Version I can here only about 2-3 Sounds at the same time.

    Without "Active Camera" everything works fine in EMMA.

    I really hope you will fix it all, couse it is a very nice Plane, looking really good. But "looking good" isn't everything.

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