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Posts posted by Andrewb07

  1. Sorry John,

    What i have to do exactly with the .exe file?
    By the way
    "i.e. it is saving the press control for both the press and release. IIs this what you mean?"
    Exactly, this is the problem.

    P.s i'm not able to see the "assignments" box on FSUIPC7...

  2. Hi John,

    Today I'm back home after i left for work reasons.

    The issue persist, i also tried today to reinstall FSUIPC7 (following your instruction and extract files from zip before run installer).
    Of course this is something i always did, never insalled anything without extract files first.
    v7.3.24 never gave me this issue before.
    Furthermore, making an example, i assigned on my TCA sidestick's red button the autopilot disconnect function, this was not affected at all, it's doing this only for keys assignment.

    About the issue, i was to reductive, so in reply to this:

    Let's suppose i want to assign the key "Y" for the "standby attitude of the Fenix A320".
    This command, being a kind of a button, is divided in a "press" and "release" function.
    Simply, what i want to do is, when i press the key "Y" on my keyobard this should trigger ---> FNX320_MainPanel_Standby_Attitude_Cage_Press
    On release of the key "Y" it should trigger ---> FNX320_MainPanel_Standby_Attitude_Cage_Release
    idk why FSUIPC reset this and put on both boxes (control sent when keys pressed and control sent when main key released) press or release, this way i'm not able to trigger the command.
    This is happening also on other aircraft profile: example inibuilds A300.

    Here you can find screenshots on Imgur https://imgur.com/a/VKmKgjY

    The one with both assigned "FNX320_MainPanel_Standby_Attitude_Cage_Press" is the issue i'm talking about, one should be "press" and the other "release".
    Don't know if i'm doing wrong, but always i did this way and never had issues before.

    As you requested, please find attached:
    FSUIPC7.log - InstallFSUIPC7.log - fsuipc7.ini
    I'm sure in the .ini file you will find all my keys reset.




    FSUIPC7 files.zip

  3. Hello,

    I didn't use the simulator for a while, and FSUIPC7 was stuck on version 7.3.24, so i just updated it to the latest version.

    As far as i remembered i never had this issue before, somehow FSUIPC resetting everytime assigned key presses on a specific profile i created for the Fenix A320.

    It Is doing this especially on buttons, for "press" and "release" functionality. (example external Power button) 
    It shows in both boxes *press - *press or *release - *release.

    I also tried to delete the .ini file and start all over again, but nothing change.
    This happen on every start of FSUIPC7.

    Thanks for any assistance or reply in regards.

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