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Posts posted by Edge

  1. First off, very nice aircraft. I like the quiet in the cockpit and she is very smooth, but, for some reason I cannot get above about 260KIAS at altitude which was FL240. Ground speed was around 350 or so. and on climbout to FL 440 with 70% of fuel, she stalled around FL390. So I dropped some fuel, 40% and took her down to FL280, still could not get above 265KIAS. I had it set for 300 KIAS in the beginning and I even stepped it some on climbing. I haven't read the manual yet and I will, but I had to take her for a spin first :wink:

    I will tinker with settings in the sim and see what happens but all my other aircraft seem to do well with what settings are there now, jets and props. And yes, the gear and flaps were up :P . I will check in later on for thoughts on this as well as my own.


    PS. Nice sound also

  2. Here is another link on the Courchevel runway and the percentage of slope capable in FS9.


    Reading the instructions for the PAKT_SS_V1. zip, there are many downloads for objects that need to be installed of which I have some of them but not all. I don't have time for it right now, so I am going to have to wait. Maybe something new will be out in the near future for PAKT, :wink:

  3. Personally, I could go without the sloped taxiways, although it would be nice. I woudl like though to have those taxiways even if they are flat. You might checkout how they managed to have a hardened surface for the runway at Courchevel, France. It may get you in the right direction. I will see if I can find that post and link it here.

    Other than the above, a nice looking terminal and other buildings and of course the dock and ramp and the AI ferry. I think I saw a smaller type ferry somewhere in my travels.

    Bill, can we see some pics of PAKT you took, and any others of interest??

    Thankyou. :)

    EDIT: Here is the forum on Courchevel which may, or may not help on slopes. There is 2 pages on the subject.


  4. What happened to this project? On reading some posts about no PAKT scenery downloads, I came across this forum doing a Google search. Imagine that. :wink:

    I did find a later version of PAKT from Sidney Schwartz dated 2006. PAKT_SS_V1.zip, Avsim. I haven't installed it yet to see what it actually looks like. It is not structered in folders, but has the bgl files with a readme.

    With all the enthusiasm and photos previously posted I would think that with the talent, of which I have none :( , a fairly realistic looking PAKT could be designed without having to have FSEnhancer or any other program.

    I will install the above PAKT scenery and get back to you.

  5. Hi Holger. Here is a pic of my FS9 Scenery library, all looks in order.


    In looking at my scenery.cfg, it looks like this pic.


    I would think they would be in the same order. In the scenery.cfg , with notepad, they are in the opposite order.

    Is it time to rebuild the scenery.cfg file?

    In explaining from my previous post, in, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Addon Scenery, there is only one folder, Misty Landclass. There is no Misty Scenery folder. Should there be? or did it install somewhere else.

    I do not have any 3rd party installs for PANT

    Thankyou. :)

  6. http://tinypic.com/view/?pic=sazgg5

    Just out of curiousity I went to PANT. to take a look. Screenshot above.

    Then I went to see if I had misty fijords lanscape folder. I don't.

    Also, speaking of the AI ships when i was working on George's problem, i did not see any ships either. george sent me I believe it was 3 files and that fixed the AI problem. So I thought all was well. Looks to be I may have the same problem.

    I reinstalled MF some time back after rebuilding my pc. I am going to look in the FS9 scenery library and see what's there for MF. I may be wrong, but it seems the first time I installed MF I did it manually.

    Do you think possibly the self installer may be out of whack Holger??

    I even changed the TMVL back to 19 to see what happens. Not much difference as far as trees goes. But I do remember some time back in multiplayer with the gang they mentioned the tress at PANT. But that could of been with a scenery download for there. Too much time has gone by, ah yes the ageing process, lol.

    P.S. In FS9 Scenery Library, there is both MF Landscape and Scenery, but, I do not see the MF Scenery folder in FS9, Addon Scenery folder. Landscape is there.

  7. HOOOOAHHHH!!!!!!

    The ghost ship Volendam appears, lol. PHEEEEW!!!!!

    What a trip. :D

    George now has a very fresh install of FS9. Uninstalled manually by the book, and reinstalled. The only way it could be better is with a new HDD. Now just to keep it straight and follow the instructions, my friend :wink:

    Thanks for the input on this one Holger and all. The folders were just so misplaced it had to be done. I think I may have leanred a few things along the way, but I'm not sure, :? , lol.

    Have a Good Day!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

  8. Update. Moved the cruise ship folders to a folder on his desktop. Reinstalled MF. Stil he does not see the Ghost Ship Volendam. The install seemd to work fine, it added the entries in his FS9 scenery library, it doesn't always do that. I had to manually add them in mine.

    A side note, he does see the moving ship at Miami, Freeflow, which suggests to me that his setting are correct.

    What he does see that I have never seen is a container ship in the area of where Volendam should be. I wonder where that came from. It shows a prop wake but it does not move, he said and I seen a screenshot of it. At this point I have exhausted all my thoughts on this proble. George and I have gone through many, :wink: , huh George.

    Actually I think someone should use George for a Beta tester. Guaranteed to stress the program, lol.

    That's it. i'm out of moves for now. It's just one of those things that kind of bugs ya. Know what I mean. 8)

  9. Here we go. All those files are there where they are suppose to be according to what George told me, so, right now he uninstalled, removed the landclass and scenery from the FS9 library, is rebboting his pc, and I told him to run defrag, and then we will reinstall MF and see what happens. Over at Avsim forums I see David Marshall has a friend with the same problem, kinda. He see's the red markings for Ai but no physical aircraft.

    I think george does see the aircraft just not the ships in Misty Fijords. Cross your fingers, lol. " WORK in progress " :wink:

  10. Working with George on his AI ship problem, I've known George for some time now, I noticed, after a reinstall of MF a few months ago, I upgraded my pc, that I did NOT see the ships either. After looking around, I did NOT have the AF2_PAK5, 6, 7, and 8 bgls in the addon scenery/scenery folder. I have them in now and all is well, but i wonder why the installer did not put them in before.

    Still working with George checking folders with mine to see if all the files are in the right place. So far looks to be good. If we cannot fix the problem, I wonder if he should do another download and start fresh?????

  11. These days I think I am on the low end of things.

    ATI Radeon 9200, 128 MB

    P4 Celeron 1.8

    512 RAM

    My next PC keeps getting pushed back. Might be a good thing though watching to see all the new goodies in the works. :wink:

    But all in all, my system doesn't do too bad with all that I have in it so far. If I want performance, and sometimes I do, then I just reset some settings.

  12. Extreme sunburst :wink:

    I also had a strange view. I thought maybe it was because I changed my TMVL to 20, but I changed it back to 21, then wentback to the same area, I saved the flight, all was well, so I changed it back to 20 again, and it was not there any more at 20. I took a couple screenshots and will link them below.



    It actuall didn't show up until I landed on I believe it was 26L.

    It may be gone now. Sometimes strange things happen, and in the past I have found that at times the more you run the sim the better it gets, sometimes :D

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