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Posts posted by Holclo

  1. Pete

    All is not well. After several successful connections once again I am getting no connection with the Logitec Extreme 3D Joystick. As a test I connected the joystick to Fs2004, FSUIPC 3.93 on my old (XP) computer and had absolutely no problems. I really suspect the USB connections on this computer. The first day I had this machine my External HD went "poof" with a blue flash when I tried to connect it via USB and my "computer builders" said it was my EXt HD's fault and charged me £40 for fixing it!

    Now we have this joystick problem plus a CPFlight MCP connection problem which the very helpful Paolo at CPFlight has been, thus far, unable to overcome. I am getting another person to check over the computer - hopefully tonight. Will let you know any outcomes.


  2. Windows 7 64 bit and not very comfortable with it at the moment. A lot of apparently "security issues". i have FS9 running on a partition (Drive "E") and still see it appearing in Drive "C" Program Files x86 . I know I originally installed FS9 to default drive "C" but then reinstalled it on a partition after advice from Avsim. Almost certain I uninstalled from "C" before this but at my age - not certain!!


  3. Pete,

    Went into Device Manager and unchecked all "USB save Power" management boxes I could find (about 6-8). No change.

    Then went to .ini file and changed "Joystick timeout" to 20 and all now seems to be good. Have loaded up FS2004 twice and both times Saitek Throttle Quad and Logitec Extreme 3D Pro joystick were recognised and configurable in FSUIPC. So I hope that is it all sorted.

    Take care


  4. Pete

    Have just installed FSUIPC 3.96. When I run FS9 (Windows7 - new computer) FSUIPC is not picking up my Logitec Jostick and also my Saitek Throttle Quadrant. At times it has detected them but normally seems to miss them. In this particular instance the log appears to say that Joystick 0 is taking too long to load. My experience with FSUIPC is that it is rock solid and I am beginning to have misgivings about this new computer e.g. I have been unable so far to get it to communicate with and configure my CPFlightMCP. From the log, can you make any observations on my concerns.



    ********* FSUIPC, Version 3.96 by Pete Dowson *********

    Running on Windows Version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

    Verifying Certificate for "E:\MSGAMES\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\MODULES\FSUIPC.dll" now ...

    SUCCESS! Signature verifies okay!

    Running inside FS2004(original release)

    User Name="William Hobbs"

    User Addr="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

    FSUIPC Key is provided

    WIDEFS not user registered, or expired

    Module base=61000000



    InitDelay: 0 seconds




    780 System time = 10/01/2010 13:06:50

    780 E:\MSGAMES\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\

    811 System time = 10/01/2010 13:06:50, FS2004 time = 12:00:00 (00:00Z)

    1420 C:\Users\user\Documents\Flight Simulator Files\Ready Belfast.flt

    1435 AIRCRAFT\PMDG737-800\B737-800.air

    1467 Aircraft="PMDG 737-800"

    5944 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled

    21185 AIRCRAFT\b737_400\Boeing737-400.air

    21201 Aircraft="Boeing 737-400"

    23213 C:\Users\user\Documents\Flight Simulator Files\UI generated flight.flt

    23541 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded

    28034 Traffic File #20 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_000_woa_ryanair_su08"

    28252 GoFlight GFP8 detected: 1 device

    28252 GoFlight GFT8 detected: 1 device

    28252 GoFlight GF46 detected: 1 device

    28268 Traffic File #23 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_152_woa_thomas cook airlines uk_su07"

    28283 Traffic File #14 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_000_woa_aer lingus_wi08"

    28346 Traffic File #16 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_000_woa_easyjet_su09"

    28361 Traffic File #25 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_24_woa_aer arann_su07"

    28424 Traffic File #17 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_000_woa_first choice airways_su08"

    28502 Traffic File #24 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_167_woa_bmibaby_su07"

    36177 Joy 0 taking too long to respond (> 15 mSecs). Removed from scan

    54242 WeatherOptions set, now 40003605 (timer=0)

    58703 System time = 10/01/2010 13:07:48, FS2004 time = 13:06:59 (13:06Z)

    58703 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

    Memory managed: 0 Allocs, 168 Freed

    ********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********

  5. Pete

    Did as you suggested. FSUIPC 3.93 now running again and the PMDG737 not running. So as you suggested very early in this thread it is the PMDG that has caused the problem. I shall remove it and then reinstall and that should fix things.

    Just while we are communicating I have saved my old "ini" file where all my button/switch settings and mouse macros were assigned. Can I simply swap this with the new "ini" file to reuse these settings?



  6. Pete

    OK back from my birthday party. For starters I removed FSUIPC.dll from modules folder and FS9 loaded the default Cessna Flight immediately. Changed airport to EGAA and there were my WOAI planes. So it would appear that something in the FSUIPC installation has caused the problem, At the moment there is no "Modules" section on the menu bar of FS9 and of course I can't load the PMDG.


  7. Well I renamed the fs9.cfg , restarted computer and started FS9. About 2 seconds- to the fault again. It is not a CTD as the splash screen stays (with the message box in the centre of it) and this promise that windows will shut the program down and report any possible remedies. If I leave my cursor in the splash screen window the little wheel spins merrily along. I have had the patience to watch this for 10 mins before taking the option to "close" it myself and thus I get no report. I have clicked the window repeatedly looking for more info - but none appears.Checked the new fs9.cfg and there is nothing in it.

    I cannot understand why this should suddenly occur. I have been transferring my stuff to this computer for a couple of weeks now and flying little 30 minute test flights without a problem. The only things that I can think of that might have upset the applecart are:

    Running FSUIPC 3.40 - I may have installed 3.93 (in preparation for registering prior to being connected to internet on this computer - waiting for a wireless router from talktalk.) and then installing 3.93 on top of that again

    Making fs9.cfg changes to help Ultimate Terrain graphics (did this a couple of times as I searched for the sweet spot)

    Installing an imported picture as wallpaper.

    Connecting to the wireless router (with a wired connection)

    Registered FSUIPC

    Assigned a couple of joystick buttons via FSUIPC

    Tested these with a "flight" that only consisted of pushback.

    Deleted keyboard assignments 1,2,3,4 from default keyboard list. I did this as during the test pushback I wanted to turn and pushing 1 on keyboard cycled the views which happens to be one of the joystick buttons I was setting with FSUIPC

    Had 8 automatic Windows Updates. Hope I haven't forgotten anything.

    Should I try a system restore?


  8. When I re run the installer I get a confirmation of a successful install of FSUIPC version 3.93

    I am simply reporting the message I got When my registration failed (yes by me not entering the old e-mail address. The "code 10 " was merely for your information.

    Programme stops at splash screen - yes runs for about 5 seconds and then stops. There is nowhere to click to get any further information. I have tried.

    The log file I think shows the last successful load of the programme.

    ********* FSUIPC, Version 3.93 by Pete Dowson *********

    Running on Windows Version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

    Verifying Certificate for "E:\MSGAMES\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\MODULES\FSUIPC.dll" now ...

    SUCCESS! Signature verifies okay!

    Running inside FS2004(original release)

    User Namexxxxxxxxxx (edited out by me)"

    User Addr=xxxxxxxxxx(edited out by me)

    FSUIPC Key is provided

    WIDEFS not user registered, or expired

    Module base=61000000



    InitDelay: 0 seconds




    686 System time = 29/12/2009 21:04:13

    686 E:\MSGAMES\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\

    733 System time = 29/12/2009 21:04:13, FS2004 time = 12:00:00 (00:00Z)

    1185 C:\Users\user\Documents\Flight Simulator Files\Ready Belfast.flt

    1201 AIRCRAFT\PMDG737-800\B737-800.air

    1217 Aircraft="PMDG 737-800"

    5865 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled

    10514 C:\Users\user\Documents\Flight Simulator Files\UI generated flight.flt

    11185 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded

    15959 Traffic File #24 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_24_woa_aer arann_su07"

    16021 Traffic File #13 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_000_woa_aer lingus_wi08"

    16052 Traffic File #15 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_000_woa_easyjet_su09"

    16130 Traffic File #16 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_000_woa_first choice airways_su08"

    16130 Traffic File #19 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_000_woa_ryanair_su08"

    32198 WeatherOptions set, now 40003605 (timer=0)

    712207 System time = 29/12/2009 21:16:04, FS2004 time = 21:07:34 (21:07Z)

    712207 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

    Memory managed: 0 Allocs, 2560 Freed

    ********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********

    Re FSUIPC unregistered - I have the PMDG, Ultimate Terrain .Flight Environment,Ground Environment installed as previously mentioned and a small cockpit running CP Flight MCP and EFIS, a Leo Bodnar card and various switches etc.

    Just a thought I am running with a NoCD programme (to protect my original disk) but it has been OK with that up to now.


  9. The reason I asked "could FSUIPC be causing the problem" was that the programme stopped working immediately after the registering of FSUIPC and the installation of Windows updates. As I had then uninstalled the Windows updates and the problem still persisted I thought it logical to ask - --maybe not.


    In the failed registration it says" FSUIPC registration check cancelled or failed (result code 10)"

    What happens is this.

    I start FS - up comes the loading splash screen and then stop - nothing further than that. The message I get "Microsoft Flight Simulator has stopped working. - A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available"

    Nothing further than that happens - I have to close the program myself.

    In the brief time I was able to work with FSUIPC changing some button assignments could I have caused this?


  10. Peter

    New computer running Windows 7.

    I am in the process of reinstalling FS9 on my new computer. At each stage I have tested the installation and have been flying. Already installed are FS9, Ultimate Terrain,Flight Environment, Ground Environment and several WOAI packages.

    This morning I got this computer (along with my original computer)connected to the internet. Tonight I downloaded and installed FSUIPC Version 3.93. My first attempt at re-registering failed I assume because of a changed email address. However when I started up FS9 I was able to enter the email address I originally registered along with my original KeyCode. All was well and I "got into" FSUIPC. I assigned a button for pushback and one for View on my Logitech Joystick. Tested - all was well in a 2 minute test. Exited FS9 to check other joystick assignments on my now test rig and my new computer automatically downloaded 8 "Windows Updates".

    When I tried to reload FS9 it refused to load with this message "MSFS has stopped working - a problem has stopped this program working"

    I uninstalled all 8 updates restarted the computer but problem still exists. Could FSUIPC be causing the problem?


  11. Pete

    Just to make sure that anyone who does a search and finds this thread is not left without knowing what the solution was ..I have found it. Simple really in the end. The Flight which was causing the trouble was a PMDG-800 flight which had been saved as "default flight". Now I loaded the Cessna Default Flight (Iknow this has been recommended many times but we all do get lazy sometimes)and then changed the aircraft to the PMDG-800 and all was well. The Brakes problem has completely disappeared.


  12. Pressing the "." key produces no response. Went into "assignments" and re allocated the "." key to Brakes - no change. I have been using a GoFlight T8 switch for parking brake release but no change even when I changed it to "brakes" via FSUIPC. Never worry I can live with it and thanks for your time and help. Have a look at my post (What do you want for Christmas) on mycockpit .org and you will understand me a little better!!


  13. One question. when "BRAKES" was shown, did you try pressing the "." key to turn it off?

    Another question: do you have rudders with toe brakes? Have you calibrated the toe brakes so that they are always off when untouched, even with pressure on the rudder?

    (1) No I didn't as I thought this was only for "parking brake".

    (2) Ah - now I used to have pedals and indeed the toe brakes worked perfectly. I have since sold these but didn't make any changes to any settings. Is that where the trouble could be?

  14. (1) The big red "BRAKES" which appears at the bottom left of my screen gives me a little hint.

    (2)Well when the plane comes to a complete stop on the runway without the use of Reverse Thrust, SpeedBrakes or Manual Brakes (by the way another indication to me that some sort of braking was in action) a little increase of the throttles gets the plane to taxi.

    (3)Translate into English words you know like when = means "equals" in maths and + means "add"

    (4) I have attached a Log file in zip fprmat. This represents a take off, circuit and landing. Hopefully it will show you what is happening.

    (5) I remo9ved the top part as it was displaying my email address (even though that is now out of date) and I also wished to keep the log as small as possible.



  15. Hi

    Flying the PMDG737-800 I always get an uncommanded autobrake set as soon as the plane levels off.(I asume it is an autobrake set but there is no indication on the autobrake switch of any such setting) It does this under all situations VNAV,LVLChange.Handflying. The brakes stay on throughout the flight and can only be undone after the plane has come to a complete stop on the runway. I have included a small log. Would you translate this for me please. Does it help in showing what is happening. I am using CPFlight MCP , Saitek Throttle Quadrant and Logitech Joystick. It doesnt happen with default planes or LevelD. I have asked on the PMDG forum but no solution was found.

    FSUIPC Key is provided

    WIDEFS not user registered, or expired

    Module base=61000000



    InitDelay: 0 seconds




    11656 System time = 08:48:12

    11671 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\

    11671 System time = 08:48:12, FS2004 time = 12:00:00 (00:00Z)

    49062 C:\Documents and Settings\Billy\My Documents\Flight Simulator Files\Cardiff for Vatsim.flt

    49218 AIRCRAFT\PMDG737-800\B737-800.air

    54390 Aircraft="B737-800 Air Europa"

    98515 C:\Documents and Settings\Billy\My Documents\Flight Simulator Files\UI generated flight.flt

    100531 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded

    115593 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled

    183656 Traffic File #15 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic030528"

    184656 C:\Program Files\FS2Phidget\FS2Phidget3414.exe

    184890 C:\Program Files\CPFLIGHT\CPFlight Tools\FS_COM.EXE

    186828 Traffic File #27 = "uk2000 scenery\uk2000 part 5\scenery\traffic_part5"

    186890 Traffic File #26 = "uk2000 scenery\uk2000 part 2\scenery\traffic_part2"

    189656 Traffic File #17 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_000_woa_air france by cityjet_su08_fs9"

    190828 Traffic File #22 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_30_woa_ryanair_wi05"

    190953 Traffic File #21 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_167_woa_bmibaby_su07"

    191984 Traffic File #23 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_79_woa_easyjet_su07"

    193218 Traffic File #19 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_000_woa_jet2_su08"

    843062 WeatherOptions set, now 40003605 (timer=0)

    1590281 Traffic File #20 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_00_woa_thomsonfly_su06"

    1794765 HotKey entry at 3210, VK=255, Shifts=255, Flags=0, Result=0

    1805125 HotKey entry at 3210, VK=255, Shifts=255, Flags=0, Result=0

    1815484 HotKey entry at 3210, VK=255, Shifts=255, Flags=0, Result=0

    [Log closed by user request, and continued in new file]

    1825093 System time = 09:18:26, FS2004 time = 08:57:44 (08:57Z)

    1825093 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

    Memory managed: 124 Allocs, 17418 Freed

    ********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********



  16. First post and first attempt at using FSUIPC. I have assigned two of the switches on the GoFlight T8 to operate (1) Taxi Lights and (2) Landing lights. This they do but their respective indicator lights on the unit are not lit. How can I get this to happen. - Believe me I need reminding!!! As I am just experimenting the other 6 switches are working through the GoFlight assignment programme and not FSUIPC (their indicator lights are working)

    Many Thanks


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