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Posts posted by nirgal76

  1. The problem then is how do I differentiate between a "long press" and someone just normally wanting to repeat the current "press and hold" programming? I don't see how you could have both.

    i'm agree than you can not differenciate programmaticaly

    SO, an option in the button parameters, to choose between

    - repeating the action of the "short time" press


    - doing another action on "long time" press (time ajustable) ?

    and in this case, if you hold more than the "long time", this is the "long time" action that is repeat

    2 seconds is a long time pressing a button, especially if you are trying to fly and airplane at the same time! ;-)

    sure. A short key press is something like 3/10 or 4/10 of sec. a long can be 1 sec. ..ajustable by the user. and at ground where you have more time, may be it can be usefull

    but it was just an idea, nothing more ;)

    Thx for your interrest and your reply

  2. Hi peter, (and sorry for my poor english)

    First of all, a big thanks to you for your great addons and constant support on this forum.

    i have a small suggestion for a functionnality in fsuipc.

    we can assign a function to a button press, another one for a button release, and repeatition. ok.

    Is it possible to have in a future release the ability to assign a function in case of a "long press" on a button.

    ex : if i press the button 2 seconds, i want a different functionnality than if i do a normal (quick) button down/up.

    and i a stay more, the "long press" functionnality will be repeat eventually..

    it's not a request but more a suggestion if others are interresting. it would be easy to implement

  3. one solution for the reverse on saitek or ch product is to modify the fsx config file manually

    find your standard.xml file in c:\Documents and Settings/yourname/Application Data/Microsoft/FSX/Controls

    this is the file containing the input controllers mapping.

    in this file, find the button corresponding to the reverse position of the axe on the saitek quadrant

    and type this (for example, the button is the number 20 for 1st axe reverse if i remember) (if you don't know how to do, ask me and i will explain)*

    Saitek Pro Flight Yoke{........}



    and finally the right button (to find it, assigned in fsx in-game commands menu a function you can identify easily in this file)

    20 <= button identifier (already exists if already assigned)

    THROTTLE1_DECR <= added or modified line

    1 <= added or modified line

    THROTTLE1_CUT <= added or modified line

    it's for engine 1 of course, do it for all axes controlling engines.

    the effect is the following :

    1 - by going to reverse position, the button is down => THROTTLE1_DECR => the throttle are decrease to reverse (because of the repeat (1...)

    2 - by comng back to the idle position, the reverse button is up => THROTTLE1_CUT => the throttle back to 0%

    i use these parameters at home and it works (on a ch quadrant product) . but it works only if your have one axe by engine. it's not a solution for multi engine on 1 axe

    i didn't have tested but by replacing THROTTLE1_DECR by THROTTLE_DECR and THROTTLE1_CUT by THROTTLE_CUT, perhaps you can control all the engines on 1 axe

    the THROTTLEx_DECR like many others functions can not be assigned by fsx in-game menu, that's why you have to do it manually. you will find in the fsx sdk all the functions you can use (SDK\Core Utilities Kit\Variables\Event IDs.htm)

    if you want to do the same with the pitch of the 1st engine (on button 21 for 2nd axe reverse,...always if i remember) :






    and finally, sorry for my language but i'm not english native :)

    good fly

  4. phantom button is due to a bug into the yoke firmware. it's a known problem by saitek.

    your have to send back the yoke to saitek for an exchange because this firmware cannot be update by software

    if the 2 first digits of your yoke is inferior to 52 (ex: 49xxxxx), you propably have a faulty yoke.

    i had the same problem, return my yoke and now, everything works fine.

    don't hesitate because sometime, the problem doesn't appears for some hours but it always come back if you have such a yoke.

  5. additional information :

    the mode button is a 'radio button' made with 3 buttons (9 10 & 11).

    mode 1 => button 9 pressed (HID usage 0x9 of buttons HID usage page)

    mode 2 => button 10 pressed (HID usage 0xa of buttons HID usage page)

    mode 3 => button 11 pressed (HID usage 0xb of buttons HID usage page)

    (tested by logging hid input report of the yoke by HID API while yoke control panel was open to unmask mode buttons)

  6. The mode button on the Saitek yoke use standard HID protocol but is masked by the saitek driver.

    it dosen't appears in the yoke HID input report (by HID API, cf. WDK).

    But if you want to unmask it, try this :

    Open the property sheet of the yoke in the windows control panel (where you can see this mode button)

    and now, the mode button is unmasked (but you have to let the control panel open !

    with this tweak, I can see it now in the yoke hid input report so i supposed it is unmasked for DirectInput and so, for FSX too (and FSUIPC)

    i'm trying to understand how the control panel unmask the button but it is not easy and i don't have many time...

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