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  1. Thanks for the fast answer. :) Can you tell me please : in debug, what have you got in SzName ?
  2. Hi all. I have a problem with SzName : SzName = FS6IPC_MSGNAME1 + ":" + Val(API("Kernel32","GetCurrentProcessId"))+":" + nTry + Null for me, SzName = FSASMLIB:IPC:2564:10 it's good or not good? If not, what is the correct value to find? Next, m_hMap = API("KERNEL32","CreateFileMappingA","HFFFFFFFF", 0, "PAGE_READWRITE", 0, "MAX_SIZE" + 256, SzName) m_hMap = 0 have you got an idea ? Thanks you verymuch
  3. Hi. OK. FSUIPC_OPEN, FSUIPC_READ, FSUIPC_PROCESS are be procedures. (fonction complete) i can't use this fonction because for my program "Windev", he don't know the language C++ or VB. I understand, in FSUIPC_OPEN, it contains fonctions of file mapping ! OK i try to translate fonction FSUIPC_OPEN. VB >>> WINDEV for Exemple : In VB : In W_Language (Windev) and if i succes, i give you my code for you insert this in your SDK if you want. thanks
  4. OK, so, i have to use fonction fileMapping. like this one with other var of course. m_hWnd = FindWindowEx(0+, 0+, "UIPCMAIN", Caract(0)) m_hMap = CreateFileMapping(+HFFFFFFFF, 0+, PAGE_READWRITE, 0+, MAX_SIZE + 256, szName) m_pView& = MapViewOfFile(m_hMap, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0+, 0+, 0+) and after , i use FSUIPC_OPEN..... that's it ???
  5. Hi. I use WINDEV (W-language), it's not in the SDK. http://www.windev.com/ and when i try to use exemples in C or VB, i don't understand. Ok, i understand. how open the link to FSUIPC ? which fonctions use ? i must connect to shared memory ? with OpenFileMapping() or MapViewOfFile() for exemple ? Thanks again :)
  6. Hi. Thanks for your answer. But it's before FSUIPC_Read that i dont know. I guess it must be one function to connect to FSUIPC before using the functions FSUIPC_OPEN. because my program dont know where is FSUIPC dll. maybe an API or dll ? Thans again. :)
  7. Bonjour à tous. Hi all Je programme un logiciel pour un simulateur a vérins. et j'ai besoin de récupérer l'assiette des avions dans FSX. j'utilise le logiciel Windev et je ne sais pas par où commencer. je voudrais utiliser FSUIPC mais je ne sais pas quelles fonction utilisées avant de faire FSUIPC_Read et FSUIPC_Process. Que faut-il utiliser comme fonctions pour se connecter à FSUIPC ? Merci d'avance. I program software for a simulator actuators. and I need to get aircraft information in FSX. I use the software "Windev" and I do not know where to start. I would like to use FSUIPC but I do not know what function to use before FSUIPC_Read and FSUIPC_Process. witch functions could i use to connect FSUIPC? sorry for my english, i'm french... thanks
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