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Posts posted by Turbohead

  1. Yes, I wanted to make the CH yoke do something a bit unconventional.

    As mentioned, or a Prop Plane, (Turbo Prop) I use the controls as normal.


    Prop Control=Prop Control

    Mixture=Condition Lever (Fuel Control-On /Off)

    For a jet, I did the following


    Prop Control=Reverser

    Mixture=Fuel Control-On/Off

    Optional—Mixture=Speed Break

    It is really simple without all of the complications of null zones, or gluing paper to the control for a gate etc.

    A..Open FSUIPC

    B..Axis Assignment Tab

    C..Make Aircraft Specific


    E..Assign the prop control to be Prop Pitch

    F..Set Range -16384 -16384

    G..Check Up Down Boxes

    H..Control Sent range entered=Throttle Decr

    I..Control Sent Range Exited =Throttle Cut

    Click OK and it is Done deal

    Results=When the throttle is in the idle position, the prop lever can be pulled back, and the reversers deploy. Moving the Prop lever forward brings the engines back to idle and retracts the reversers.

    Note: Moving the throttles briefly forward and back to idle will also disengage the reverser, but you will need to cycle the prop control back to forward for it’s next usage

    You can also use the mixture control for a speed break rather than fuel on / off

    Follow steps A-D

    E..Assign the mixture control to be Mixture

    H..Control Sent range entered=Spoiler on

    I..Control Sent Range Exited =Spolier off

    This works perfectly.


  2. Maybe confused, but not giving up yet.

    I guess the CH yoke / FS/ and FSUIPC won’t do what I want it to do.

    I understand the real airplanes.

    In a turboprop, there are throttle, prop, and condition levers. The prop control actually varies a governor that controls the prop pitch. The throttle controls control the fuel servo which controls fuel flow to the engine, and has a mechanical “Gate” at the idle position. Aft of the gate is some throttle control, but it also brings the props back past BETA, and into reverse. (8 to 12 deg negative pitch) Bringing the throttle back up to idle, takes it out of reverse, and back to beta + 9 deg. (not to be confused with beta reverse, which blocks the props from going into negative pitch in the event of an oil pressure failure).

    In a jet, the throttle control obviously controls the fuel flow, and has a separate mechanism interlinked with a gate (similar to the turboprop). When the throttle is at idle, the reverser levers can be pulled up, and backwards, and they engage the reverser buckets on the engine. (The gate keeps the machine from going into reverse in flight) Returning the reverse levers to the normal position, stows the buckets, and brings the engines back to flight idle. Pulling the "throttles" up, and back, shuts off the fuel.

    The CH yoke doe not have these functions, nor gates, or detents, so, there has to be a work around.

    As mentioned previously, on the jet, I use the throttles as they are supposed to be used, and press the F2 key when I want to get into reverse. (I actually use a button on the left yoke to make an F2 key press). To get out of reverse, I simply add some throttle, and the reverser disengages.

    On the Citation Jet, what I simply would like to do, “for reality sake”, is have the prop lever (since it is unused), do an F2 key press when pulled backwards, and an F1 key push when returned foward. This woud simulate the revrser lever.

    I think I understand what you are trying to accomplish with the “Dead Zone” But what happens if you come too far back on the throttle, since there is not a mechanical gate, or detent? Seems like it would be tricky to keep it out of reverse.


  3. After some more experimenting, I am almost there, I think. Or at least I am able to set a function, even thought it is not the function that I want.

    For example, as an experiment, I have programed the following to help me understand the process:

    Axis-I have programmed the Prop Lever for "Prop Pitch"

    I have set up range 1 for -16384 -16384

    Up and Down boxes checked

    Control set when range entered=Spolilers on

    Control set when range exited=Spoilers off

    The result is, when the prop lever is back, it extends the spoiler. Whne the prop lever is forward, it retracts the spoilers. This works as I expected.

    However, the problem is, I do not see anything to make the engines go into reverse in the "Control Sent" pull down box. Nor, do I see a way to press the F2 and F1 keys to make it go into recerse whne the prop lever is forward or back.

    What am I missing?

    Thanks again


  4. Hi guys,

    Pertaining to Reverse Thrust,

    I’m trying to accomplish something in the UPIC (pertaining to this thread) that I can’t seem to get to work properly. It may be that I am going at it wrong. I have read all of the above posts, and the manuals, but admittedly, I am lost on this one. I’ve been able to get the UPIC to do most everything that I have asked, but I am having trouble with this particular function.

    I am running FS2004, A CH Yoke (1 Throttle, 1 Prop Control, and 1 Mixture Control) and have a Citation Add on aircraft.

    Normally, to get reverse thrust in the Citation, I have to make sure the throttle is back to idle, then, press the F2 key. (I actually have a button on the yoke to press the F2 key for me. This set up works great.)

    The throttle works like a charm, and I use the mixture control to turn the fuel on and off when starting and stopping the engines. Thus, this leaves the Prop control open for the jet. ((On the Prop planes, “KA350” the prop lever works and will feather, but will not go into reverse)) So I used the F2 key.

    What I would like to do is, on landing, pull the throttle to idle, and pull back on the Prop lever to put it into reverse. Basically, use the prop lever to push F2 when back, F1 when forward. This may not be possible, but I thought I would ask.

    I programmed the Prop axis, for (Reverser) and the result is, when I pull back on the Prop control, the engines spool up to about 30 to 40 %, but it doesn’t seem to ever go into the reverse mode as the F2 key functions.

    I am a bit new to the UPIC. It seems to be a powerful tool, but I can’t seem to grasp some of it’s technical capabilities. Additionally, due to an accident previously in my life, I have a bit of trouble comprehending things at times. I would greatly appreciate someone taking the time to spell out how to accomplish what I am trying to do in simple layman’s terms.

    Thank yuo,


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