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Posts posted by DaveM

  1. Hi Pete,


    I have downloaded the latest copy of FSUIPC SDK and checked the Offset values document for the latest list of expected values when testing for which version of Flightsim is running.  Is there any later version number than 10, for P3D, as we are having some trouble with FSX SE.  We are pretty sure that there must be a new ID number for this version as our client is rejecting FSX SE.


    I'm downloading and installing FSX Se as I write this :cry: so that I can do some testing.  But if you have an up to date list easily available it would be much appreciated.


    regards, and Happy New Year.




  2. Hi Jamie,

    Thanks for the tip but I tried it on my home PC and I still get FSUIPC v3.07. I did however get a copy of 3.08 from work, where we don't have to bother with and ISP. It worked first time BTW.

    I'll have to see what my ISp hase to say about this, but I am not holding my breath. :(

    Oh and BTW Peter, there is an option d) maybe change the filename to something like fsuipc_v3.xx.zip? :lol: Just teasing! This is how I save your files anyway just in case I have to roll back a version.

    Thanks for all you suggestions




  3. Hi Peter,

    Thanks for getting FSUIPC and WideFS out on time!

    I have just purchased both products at SimMarket and have noticed a problem with the billing process. It seems that even if you purchase both items you will be charged 40 Euros and not 30 Euros. I have sent their support staff and e-mail outlining this problem and will await their answer.




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