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Posts posted by Alpaslan

  1. Thank you for the help sir. But I still can't understand how it works. I use Katana 4x FSUIPC commands, which I download from aerosoft forums, and in FSUIPC, I can see all commands clearly. This Duke Script, as you said, I see Lua of it, but could not figure out where the commands are. I see only a few things, Lua TurbineDuke Comstack, and Lua DukeEngineS. So I don't understand where is the com stack commands, or engine commands. Sorry maybe I should read a manual for this. I am really so confused at the moment.

  2. I'm not surprised. What did you expect? John Nicol notified me late Friday that 1.2 was available for download, and I've been trying to download it ever since. Despite my broadband connection being certainly capable of at least 512 KBytes/sec, the maximum I get from their site is 120! I've got part 1, part 2 has almost finished (the downloads from there keep stopping and overnight, when I am not at hand to resume them, they just sit doing nothing). I am trying to get part 3 at present.

    I don't know when i'll get it installed -- hopefully in the next few days -- but after that there could be anything from one to two week's work involved in hacking into the code and making the relevant changes. It isnt easy. I have to re-find all the hooks i found before.

    With FS updates I used to have several months, but unlike with the Microsoft simulators I am not on any "Beta" team with L-M so I don't get anything before you do.

    I have go a lot on these next two weeks or so, then I'm on holiday. It may well be November before I have a revised FSUIPC. That's probably pessimistic, but possibly not totally unrealistic.



    Thanks Pete. Agree 1.2 was early then everyone expect. Also you should call yourself lucky for 120kb/s dowload, some people had only 40kb/s... Regards

  3. hi guys, I am using fsx booster version, and I am happy that my fps is increased roughly %30. But I am still having some issues while flying low, as buildings and trees loading a few secons late. and it looks very annoying, all enviroment good but there things popping up suddenly. I have got phenom 2 x4 965, radeon 5750 hd and 4gb ram. I am using mostly medium settings on scenery settings, and my fps limited to 25 so I mostly see 25. Only problem with these popping up trees and buildings. Is there anyway that I can fix this in fsx booster options?

    Plus, I am wondering, FSX booster, that tree and building calculation options are reducing the quality of filtering or density? I mean FSX booster in anyway reduce quality of images ? or doing some other tweaks to pc but dont play with quality? Thanks.

    edit : What is shaders version 3 ? Should I enable it or not ? by the way why there is no a manual so I can understand this options ??

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