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Posts posted by odlaz

  1. Reinstalled FSX and FSUIPC  V 4.939.

     I am now unable to Calibrate PFC quadrant in C2 Pro Console.

    Throttles will only move from +15609 to +16383.


    All other function ie...  Ailerons, Elevator, Rudder and brakes can be calibrated using FSUIPC.


    When moving the throttle lever the engines go to full power and power cannot be reduced to idle unless Key F1 is actuated. 


    If the throttle is even ever-slightly moved, engine immediately goes back to full power and Key F1 has to be actuated.


    The SETTINGS-CONTROLS page in FSX Control AXES is blank (no assignments).


    What am I doing wrong???

    I need help!

    Thanks for any and all suggestions


  2. Purchased FSC  V9.6 on Sunday 03 May, 2015

    Received Key on same day.

    Installed FSC, attempted to register but failed.

    The info requested was entered as posted in the Email that contained my name, my email address and the key.

    The info was entered manually, when that failed I copied and pasted the info this also failed.

    What is the solution?

    Thanks for any input.

    Aldo Zanona

    odlaz @Hotmail.com


  3. Peter:

    Problem solved. Per your suggestion, as is clearly stated  in the installation instructions, I uninstalled FSX form the C:\Programs Files (x86) and reinstalled into C:\FSX folder, then ran the FSUIPC4 installer.

    The  FSUIPC ADD-ON module in FSX now shows V4.937.

    As a side issue, the installation of ASNext weather program and the subsequent ERRO Message and ASNext shutdown started my problems.

    The thought was that the version of FSUIPC I had installed may have the culprit; not so the ERROR message still appears.

    The moral of this story: READ YOUR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS!!!

     Peter thanks again.


  4. Peter:

    Thanks for your response.

    I read the FSUIPC4 Install log

    10/27/20149:25 AM

    Text Document

    5 kb


    I attempted to attach the file; "You aren't  permitted to upload this kind of file" message appeared.

    Tried copy and paste from note pad and from Word to no avail. Also turned of the firewall; same result.


    There were listed a series (23) for SFX.CFG searches with a "NO SFX.CFG there" 


    The last entry of the log reads:

    All installer tasks completed.

    Registration for FSUIPC4 was successful (result code 00)


    I hope to solve my attach and copy/paste problem so that I can post the log.


    In my original post I neglected to mention that the new FSUIPC4 version did appear in the ADD-ON menu, but only once.


    Again thanks for your indulgence in my ineptness.


  5. Peter:

    Thanks for your response.

    I read the FSUIPC4 Install log

    10/27/20149:25 AM

    Text Document

    5 kb


    I attempted to attach the file; "You aren't  permitted to upload this kind of file" message appeared.

    Tried copy and paste from note pad and from Word to no avail. Also turned of the firewall; same result.


    There were listed a series (23) for SFX.CFG searches with a "NO SFX.CFG there" 


    The last entry of the log reads:

    All installer tasks completed.

    Registration for FSUIPC4 was successful (result code 00)


    I hope to solve my attach and copy/paste problem so that I can post the log.


    In my original post I neglected to mention that the new FSUIPC4 version did appear in the ADD-ON menu, but only once.


    Again thanks for your indulgence in my ineptness.


  6. Purchased FSUIPC in 2011 upgraded in 2013.

    Down-loaded FSUIPC V4.937 10/25/2014 .

    The installation appeared to go smoothly, registered the upgrade successfully.                             However, FSUIPC V4.703 that appears in the FSX ADD-ONS FSUIPC Options and Settings About section still shows:


    FSUIPC Version V4.703

    25th April 2011

    This is a registered copy! Thank you!


    Copyright Peter L. Dawson, 2011



    Should this now reflect the upgrade and show V 4.937 as the working upgrade, if so, how is this accomplished? Or is the upgrade actually working behind the scene?



  7. Have been using C2 Pro console and FSUIPS 4 for 3 years with no problems.

    Within the last 2 months calibration  of the six axis quadrant is a problem.

    When attempting to calibrate a 2 or 4 engine aircraft only 1of the axis for throttle, prop pitch, and mixture will show a full range of movement.

    The way around it is to assign all engines to a single Throttle, the same applies to the prop pitch and mixture.

    While this allows for normal flight it is not too realistic.


    Calibrating the axis using the PFC's Utilities, Hardware Calibration & GUI test, shows all axis operating normally, full range.

     1. Reloaded SFX and SFX Accelleration several times

    2. Have tried using FSUIPC 4.9

    3. Downloaded PFChid dll file several times

    4. Discussed problem with Ivan Bernardo at PFC, and confirmed that the problem is not with C2 PRO.


    What may the problem be?

    All help is appreciated

     A. Zanona 


  8. Have FSUIPC 4.7

    Windows 7 64bit

    MS FSX

    PFC C2 Proffesional Console with twin throttle, pitch, and mixture levers included.

    CH Pedals

    Saitek Radio Stack

    Followed instructionson page 51 of 4.7V manual for assigning and calibrating controls for a 4 engine aircraft.

    After loading a B747, it appears the engines are running , throttle and mixture are functioning and flights are normal.

    However if the engines are shut down, by use of the Mixture levers, or by Engine failure settings, engines 3 & 4 will not restart by using the start keys of the PFC C2 PRO Console.

    Engines 1&2 will start using the C2 Pro Console start keys.

    All engines can be restarted by using the [Ctrl E] keyboard combo or by simply reloading the same aircraft.

    I did read the special note on the "PFC throttle quadrant users". Did not see any

    "but using PFC" notation during calibration but changed the AllowSupportForPFCQuad=No to =Yes. No change noted.


    It almost suggests that C2 PRO start keys only recognize a 2 engine craft but not the 4 engine configuration applied by FSUIPC.

    Would you have an opinion as to the cause and/or possible remedy?


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