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Posts posted by vgbaron

  1. As it looks like I'm going to have a four day weekend  and I have the update, I'm going to dig into mapping my controllers as close as i can gto my p3d setups.

    With P3D/FSX using FSUIPC to control all inputs required disabling the joysticks.  How do we get around this in MSFS2020? I haven't found any specific "disable joystick" command.

    I am assuming that I can go through each controller in MSFS and set up a null profile and assign that. 

    Would this be the correct way to approach using FSUIPC for this? Again I assume that if I leave my current profiles alone and create nulls and assign the as active in sim, there should be no conflicts with anything in FSUIPC and should I want to revert to in sim control, just not run FSUIPC and assign an active (not null) profile.

    As usual I am probably overthinking this - I appreciate any suggestions you have.



  2. Am I correct in assuming that the mapping of flight controls for individual a/c is still waiting for Asobo to enable various inputs? With the Simconnect fix coming today, I thought I'd revisit controlling my hardware via FSUIPC but if various axes are still inop, it might be a waste of time for now.

    I hope you guys get a proper SDK to work with soon, from what I hear, the current one is a mess.





  3. 7 hours ago, John Dowson said:

    Hi Vic,

    Most settings should be compatible, so you can rename an existing FSUIPC4/5/6.ini to FSUIPC7.ini to preserve your settings. However, this does not mean that everything will work, as many of the events/controls currently have no affect (and there is still not that much documentation on what is and isn't working in this area), and some offset functionality has been removed. For example, if you have a hat switch to control view panning and/or slewing, this will not work and would have to be assigned in MSFS. Also, masking of keys/events isn't working, so if you have these assigned in FSUIPC7 then you will need to ensure that these are not also assigned in MSFS.

    As for profiles, they should also work in the same way. You may need to re-assign your profiles to the MSFS aircraft though, if the strings/substrings you use don't match the MSFS aircraft names.


    Interesting. 🙂 now the decision is - which is faster/easier - starting from scratch or picking through old profiles to see what doesn't work. I read something long ago - "sometimes it is faster to do it the hard way than to spend hours trying to find the easy way"



  4. I will be installing P3DV5 along side V4.5. Currently running latest FSUIPC V5 and have all my controller profiles set. When I do the upgrade install, I assume FSUIPC6 installer will keep my 4.5 settings. After install into P3Dv5 - can I just copy the fsuipc.ini files and profile folders? Or what is the best way to transfer the controller settings to the new version?




  5. Thanx Pete!  Here you go.




    EDIT: Got it working!   got to thinking - went through the INI file and did some housekeeping - there WERE some ambiguous substrings that could have gone to different profiles.

    found two strange things though

    1) if I manually enter Lockheed Electra as the substring, it does not work but if I add the axis assignment through FSUIPC and THEN edit the string to show Lockheed Electra - it works. I went through all the problem a/c - added them thru FSUIPC interface and just cut the portions of the strings - worked like a charm. FWIW, I use Notepad++ as my editor and it says DOS ANSI as format.

    2) I have several entries like this

    [Profile.Single Turbo stick]
    1=Single Turbo stick

    [Profile.Single Turbo Yoke]
    1=Single Turbo Yoke

    where there is a profile name followed by the #1 entry showing the name of the profile - not the name of the a/c.  These occur in profiles for which I have no a/c assigned yet. If I delete them - they return so FSUIPC is adding them. Possibly designed that way, I just don't recall ever seeing it before.

    Anyhow, thanx for pointing me in the right direction - got it working the way I want.

  6. Hi Pete - 

    In my fsuipc5.ini I have:


    I'm puzzled because in the profile below, each time I changed a/c I had to assign the axis again. I would have expected that the Lockheed Electra and the Carenado 500S would have been already picked up due to the substring. Obviously I am misunderstanding something. As I type this I thought of something to try -  I will manually edit the list and truncate the lines to only Lockheed Electra and Carenado 500S without the added ID etc.


    with just Lockheed Electra and Carenado 500S in the profile, when I loaded a different paint of the a/c - I had to apply the profile again.


    with just Electra and 500S in the list - still had to manually apply the profile.

    I guess I'm just getting dense in my dotage.  :)



    [Profile.Twin Piston yoke]
    8=Lockheed Electra 10A-MCA
    2=Lockheed Electra 10A-Aeroput YU-SAZ
    3=Carenado 500S Aero Commander C-GAFA
    4=Carenado 500S Aero Commander N120ET
    5=Lockheed Electra 10A-Spanish
    6=Alabeo C404 TITAN WHITE

  7. Hi Pete - 

    I have both P3d3 & 4 on the same system. I have MyTraffic6 installed in it's own location and the path is installed in both v3&4.

    Starting at the same location, same flight, same date and time, same % traffic. Running registered FSUIPC 4 & 5 respectively with this in the ini file:

    [Traffic Limiter]


    In v3 I see 6-8 AI parked next to my a/c - in v4 I see 0-2.

    If I change to TrafficLimit=0 and nothing else -  then I see 6-8 in v4 also.

    Whether it's V4 or FSUIPC - I haven't a clue but there it is.



  8. 2 hours ago, Pete Dowson said:

    What, no FSUIPC facilities for P3D at all?



    Like the difference between a computer and an abacus. Prior to FSUIPC I had several standard.xml files configured to cover different a/c and different controllers. Then a batch file to switch. Just manually setting up custom key assignments was a monumental job. At 80 years old, the thought of doing that again makes self mutilation look like a relaxing pastime.

    What adds to the frustration, IMHO, is that many people work during the week and the weekend is when they have the blocks of free time to get things set up. LM released after the weekend and now the Simmarket hangup...

    What you hear is frustration - I'm sure Simmarket is doing their best.


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