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Posts posted by ogeva

  1. Yeah, I know about the size. As someone who runs his pc at 1024X768, 800X600 are the best size for me to see pictures in forums too.

    I actually wrote in the VATIL forum where I first published these that this is an exception to my habit off posting at 800X600, but these deserve higher resolution. At the time I didn't even know i was going to post them here too. When I did I just copied the message in the hebrew forum and translated some of the text. i wouldn't have resized them to 800X600 and re-upload them for every other forum, the other option was never to share them here.

    You can delete them if you want, bad wolf.


  2. ... ya, I liked your idea of posting them in-line, a lot easier than clicking off somewhere, so I thought I'd repost a few.

    How much processing did you have to do on these images? The quality is excellent.


    I didn't touch them a bit! Just had a photoshop macro resize them to 1024 X 768 as they where huge.

    Tuns out my dad is quite a photographer, he doesn't have such a great camera either - some 3X zoom, 5 Mega Pixel camera, I don't remember the exact model, but it's a minolta. But a home user's type.

  3. My parent's were taking a cruise and came back a few days ago.

    I gathered some of the pictures they took (especially aviation related, but not only) and uploaded them.

    I think they worth a look...

    In Vanckouver, a dock with DHC3's.


    DHC6 - Twin otter.


    Here's the "correct" plane - DHC2 Beaver.


    My parent's crossed the straits of georgia on a hovercraft, then came back on a DHC6.


    The DHC6 panel and checklist. I really liked the Apollostack, just like the freeware Maule.


    A glance at Victoria before starting the engines.


    DHC3 "taxiing".


    Normal Checklist on a tray between the pilots.


    Another DHC3.


    DHC2 Beaver.


    DHC6 (West Coast Air).


    A glance at Vancouver island.



    My dad, with the correct briefing, know what to take photos off.


    Vancouver Intl.


    A Beaver on the dock in Vancouver.


    On the cruiseship, heading north to Alaska. Weather is similar to what we've experioenced on AS lately.



    A stop in Ketchikan.





    Bald Eagles.


    The Beaver that is to take them sightseeing is refuled. Notice that enormous Wasp Jr.


    What can i say... Bush flying is not what it used to be! The Chelton glass cockpit system is more expensive then the Garmin G1000 or the Avidyne.

    On the bottom right you can see a Kenwook CD player!


    Just like this week's TFC (to be published shortly)...





    Ketchikan Harbour.


    A few shots fromt he ship.






    DHC3 Otter.




    Another two.



    Riksha's in Alaska? Skagway.



    Davidson Glacier.



    The nothingness of man...



    Northenr Star on Alaska's flag.


    Just a nice island...



    Salmons in Sitka.


    Tlingit Totems.




    Baranof's statue.


    Humpback Whale -


    Glacier shreds in the water.


    Cruseship passes by.


    The cruise ends here, a train will take them to Achorage.


    Picture from the train.




    Achorage is a real city... nothing of interest here (since they didn't take photographs at Lake hood).


    The collection of charts, safety information card 9with permission!) and flyers the brought for me...


    That's it, I hpe you enjoyed them!

  4. I posted these on the screenshot forum, but maybe this is the right place for them.

    TFC is a gorup of friends flying every thursday ona continous trip around the world. This week it has been a VFR FLight inside the TOngass Fjords area. I asked all members to purchase the package, so they can really enjoy the flight, most did.

    Here are the pictures:


  5. Regarding the grouping of the forums under simflight, I don't think it matters much if it's under fsaddon, bush flying or whatever.

    But why not add the forum link on all these sites (Mistymoorings, Togasswild and Vancouver landings - but link them to the forums here? :twisted: (each to it's own specific forum)

    This way simflight provides the forums to all these communities, and still keeps them available for all simflight forum readers...

  6. Just to make sure before I embrak on the task of downloading a 1GB of mesh files...

    Is Misty/Tongass compatible with Raimondo Taubert's Alaskan mesh available at avsim? I suppose if it is placed above Misty and Tongass the FSADDON mesh will be the active one in these regions, but are there special rips or weird phenomena on the edge's of these sceneries?

  7. Also, PC and client are not on the same network. My router is a checkpoint VPN1 Edge which have it's wireless and LAN segments as different networks. I created the firewall rules to allow traffic, and the laptop (client) is connected via wireless while the Desktop (FS and Server) is connected via 100Mbps Ethernet.

    On the log I have:

    ********* WideClient Log [version 6.51] Class=FS98MAIN *********
    Date (dmy): 06/06/06, Time 23:47:56.379: Client name is OREN_LP
          540 Attempting to connect now
          550 Connection made okay!
          581 New Client Application: "squawkbox" (Id=3324)
       117018 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!
       117108 Ready to try connection again
       117108 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!
       117108 Attempting to connect now
       117118 Connection made okay!
       135354 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!
       135384 Ready to try connection again
       135414 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!
       135414 Attempting to connect now
       135424 Connection made okay!
       819378 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!
       819408 Ready to try connection again
       819438 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!
       819438 Attempting to connect now
       819448 Connection made okay!
       855610 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!
       855640 Ready to try connection again
       855670 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!
       855670 Attempting to connect now
       855680 Connection made okay!
       873766 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!
       873796 Ready to try connection again
       873816 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!
       873826 Attempting to connect now
       873836 Connection made okay!
       891932 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!
       891972 Ready to try connection again
       892002 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!
       892002 Attempting to connect now
       892012 Connection made okay!
      1713433 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!
      1713444 Ready to try connection again
      1713494 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!
      1713494 Attempting to connect now
      1713504 Connection made okay!
      1731580 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!
      1731590 Ready to try connection again
      1731640 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!
      1731640 Attempting to connect now
      1731650 Connection made okay!
      1744418 ****** End of session performance summary ******
      1744418 Total time connected = 1742 seconds
      1744418 Reception maximum:  5 frames/sec, 303 bytes/sec
      1744418 Reception average whilst connected:  1 frames/sec, 41 bytes/sec
      1744418 Transmission maximum:  4 frames/sec, 2178 bytes/sec
      1744418 Transmission average whilst connected:  1 frames/sec, 168 bytes/sec
      1744418 Max receive buffer = 501, Max send depth = 8, Send frames lost = 0
      1744418 **************** Individual client application activity ****************
      1744418 Client 3324 requests: 9180 (Ave 5/sec), Data: 689891 bytes (396/sec), Average 75 bytes/Process
      1744418 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 9, Alloc 12623 Freed 12623 Refused 0) *********

    Notice the numerous disconnections, and trasfer rates.

    Can this be the issue? Do you think if I physically connect the laptop to the router on the same network as the PC (thus get better and more reliable link between the two) it may solve the issue?

    I get 5ms latency between the two when just pinging one to the other.

  8. Hi,

    I just tried using a laptop I got from work to move SB (and other software) away from the Main FS Desktop PC.

    I configured a Joysticj button to SendKey 1, and on WideFS I configured KeySend1=220 (which is \ which is the key I used).

    Now, SB connects fine, I see the planes, I hear the sound when I tune my radio to an ATC Channel. I see "/////////" are sent when I press the button (it has the repeat checkbox chacked). But the ATC never hears me.

    I tested the Microphone, etc. All seems fine, but I cannot transmit.

    Any ideas?

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