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Bob Fiedler

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Posts posted by Bob Fiedler

  1. I missed the airspeed indication. That sounds more like a pitot tube freeze-up. Airspeed is a pitot tube dependant instrument and if it freezes up the instrument stops working.

    If your plane has a pitot heat switch or valve, try turning it on for a bit, Normally you should do this during a descent anyway. It will bleed a little power from the engine but thats ok during a descent anyway.

    Bob F.

  2. FSNavigator doesn't deploy flaps or lower the gear. Both are real world methods of reducing speed during the final approach. Even raising the nose a bit to bleed off speed and letting the reduced power keep the vertical speed on the right path are not programed into the auto-pilot. This is why "Auto-land" is so unrealistic and not very wel done.

    Bob F.

  3. When you load the plan in FS9 be sure to check the right "Route" choice.

    You have the choice of high or low airways, direct (GPS) or VOR to VOR.

    This should agree with the choice you made when you created the flight plan in FSNavigator, if you used the "auto route" option. Sometimes the plan in FS9 doesn't set itself correctly.

    I always try to engage the GPS switch very shortly after takeoff and have the NAV1 radio active. If the active runway agrees with the SID departure runway, you should be all right. I sometimes ignore ATC vectoring at that stage and the airplane finds the correct path anyway.

    I rarely use STARS because I never get to use them. ATC always vectors me somewhere else antway.

    Happy flying! Bob F.

  4. There is an icon in the right hand edge of the map that toggles on/off "airport control zones". That might be what you want. I can't find a menu item for the NDB color though. You can turn off the VOR and most other items that clutter up the map, including intersections and airways by finding the appropriate menu icon that toggles them on/off.

    In the "settings" menu, found both in the upper tool bar and in the "options" menu in the list to the left of the flight plan window, there is an option to change the map background color to blue or black. This makes the green NDBs really stand out, but printing it like that would soak up a lot of ink.

    There is also an option to just show the items on the flight path. This is found on the right edge also. This should show the NDBs that are part of your flight plan quite well. You can also have the frequency displayed.

    Happy flying! Bob F.

  5. I have just the standard data for FS9 and it includes 356 cities in Australia.

    Be sure that you have all areas active in the scenery library.

    I also have 24 airports in Australia, found under Oceania, that have SID/STARS in FSNavigator. There again, they are all downloaded from the FSNavigator site.

    Bob F.

  6. Maybe its because you should use the Ctrl key rather than the Cntrl key! :lol:

    Seriously, it should work. You have to use the F9 key to get the fsnavigator screen active and then use the Ctrl-F9 combination to get the undocked window. This will reduce the FSNavigator window and it will remain overlaid on the FS9 screen.

    There is also an "acorn" icon in the menu bar of FSNavigator that will do the same thing.

    Bob F.

  7. The "fine manual" as in "RTFM", is in the Modules folder of FS9. You should find the FSNavigator sub-folder and then the Doc subfolder and then the manual in three languages.

    I'm not entirely sure, but I think the "Drag and Drop" is done with the left mouse button. I've been doing it for so long it's sort of intuitive by now and I don't want to bring up the program to find out.

    Bob F.

  8. From page 4 of "the fine manual":

    "Any object in the map can moved via Drag & Drop to the left side of the Flight plan window using the left mouse button.

    Only if a popup window containing information on this object was visible, will the object be inserted into the Flight plan.

    If no popup window was visible, then a Fix-Point will be inserted into the Flight plan instead. This is a user defined

    waypoint. Once it is on the map, it can be moved around by dragging with the left mouse button depressed."

    Hope this refreshes your memory!

    Bob F.

  9. VFR or IFR makes no difference to FSNavigator. It only affects the ATC in FS9. You have to "load" the imported flightplan in FS9 in order to fly it. Right there on the "loading" screen is the option to set IFR or VFR. One click! And in the program where it makes a difference! This also allows you to choose your preference each time you load the plan. I see no need for a change to FSNav.

    Bob F.

  10. These are the instructions from the FSNavigator web site.

    "Registration Code:

    If you already have a Registration Code, then this will also work with version 4.7 and all further 4.x versions. When entering the code please see to it that every character (upper- or lowercase) every space, sign or digit while writing your Name, Date, and Key is exactly the same. It must be entered 100% correct.

    Please do not lose your Registration Code. You will find it in your e-mail or, in an already installed and registered FSNavigator in the text file:



    LicenseName=YOUR NAME



    Many years ago, in the first six weeks of FSNavigator 4.0 a hardware-dependant code was used in the following form:


    This is your original FSNavigator PID: XXXXXXXX

    and this your new FSNavigator Registration Key: XXXXXXX


    If you should posess such a code, please send an e-mail and ask for a new, hardware-independent code. "

    My only suggestion is that you follow these instructions. Good Luck!!

    Bob F.

  11. All aircraft will or should tend to turn into the wind while taxiing,

    This is a "weather vane" effect due to the large vertical surface at the rear, on a long moment arm from the center of resistance.

    Some aircraft may have an exaggerated effect due to poor geometry placement, but thats why the vertical tail and the rudder are back there.

    Bob F.

  12. The only way to load or edit a flight plan in FS9 is to use the Flight planning menu option. This doesn't require you to explicitly pause the sim, but I believe the sim is on hold during the process. If you don't ask to be moved to the starting runway, the sim will continue from where you were. See my comment above about advancing the flight plan to where it is applicable for the present position of the airplane. Have fun!

    Bob F.

  13. The flightplans of FSNavigator are always point-to-point. Airways are also point-to-point. When you select upper or lower airways to be included in the plan, the system selects those points, where possible, that fall on the airways. The FS9 autopilot has no way to fly an airway. Only the points along the airway are used for navigation.

    Bob F.

  14. Yes, you make sense. The solution is to advance the GPS flight plan to the point that you are presently flying.

    With the GPS in FLP mode, click the center of the big round control wheel. Then click the right side of the outer wheel until the highlighted segment of the flight plan that you are approaching next is shown. Now click the "Menu" button and a window opens to ask "Activate?" Click the "ENT" button and you are on your way!

    Bob F.

  15. You may have to go to the FMC section and click on "Next" to advance the plan to your present position.

    The FS9 GPS is a little more difficult, but more or less the same problem. When showing the route list (FPL), click on the middle of the control knob. Then click on the right side of the outer ring and watch the hilite progress down in the list. When it is correct for the next leg of the flight, click the "menu" button. A small window will show the selected leg and ask to "activate" it.

    Click the "ENT" button to continue.

    Happy flying!

    Bob F.

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