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Posts posted by mermoz33

  1. 3 hours ago, Pete Dowson said:

    If those controls work, then just do as it says in the offsets list for 3110:

    This is really two 32-bit integers. The first contains the Control
    number (normally 65536 upwards), as seen in my FS Controls
    lists. The second integer is used for the parameter, such as the
    scaled axis value, where this is appropriate. Always write all 8
    bytes in one IPC block if a parameter is used, as FSUIPC will
    fire the control when you write to 3110.

    Since the controls are just "Toggle" ones, there's no parameter. So it's easy -- just write the control number to 3110 as a 32-bit int (DWORD).

    The more usual way of operating the idle/cutoff switch in airliners and other jets is to simple set the Mixture to rich or lean. So the controls for those might be better. And not being Toggle actions are more suited to a latching switch.



    Yes Pete, but I tried  Mixture rich/ lean parameters in FSUIPC and it doesn't work with Asobo A320 neo, only FScontrol 66494 (for Eng 1) is working as toggle switch for fuel cutoff . In PM systems, I tried to send this decimal value in x3110 offset and I could see the fuel cutoff move. Then its a problem because PM is not designed to manage Eng cutoff as toggle mode in its internal variable. I will report this to Asobo's support because the rich/lean combo was used for years !

    By the way, ...there is no offset for APU master switch, only x0B58 to start is working. Is there a way to discover what offset is used by asobo for APU master switch?



  2. Hi Pete!

    In FS2020 A320 Neo, this FScontrol 66494 and 66495 are used to control MSFS Fuel Cutoff levers. (I can see them move in virtual cockpit sending theses controls)

    I'm trying to make it work with PM systems I don't know how to send this  control using offset 3110 using two 32 bits integers. Is there a special offset for this control?

    thank you for your help!




  3. Thank you Pete, here are the results, so it seems the button action is successfully received on PC#2....but the FCU (App id=9196)  doesn't respond..., there is no button animation nor display change..



    373375 Monitor IPC:5414 (U32) = 0x1000000
       379641 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=158, Btn=13, Pressed
       379641 [Buttons] 2=P158,13,C2056,0
       379641 FSUIPC Control Action: Ctrl=2056, Param=0
       379641 PM action: 5414 bits toggled: 0x01000000

    Wideclient.log   with line Monitor=5414,4

    5047 Monitored data read by app: [App id=9196]
                  Offset 05414:  
                  00 00 00 00                                       ....
         5188 Monitored data read by app: [App id=9196]
                  Offset 05414:  
                  00 00 00 00                                       ....
         5266 Monitored LAN data received:
                  Offset 05414:  
                  00 00 00 01                                       ....
         5266 Monitored data read by app: [App id=9196]
                  Offset 05414:  
                  00 00 00 01                       

  4. Hi!

    here is my setup :

    PC#1 :

    MSFS 2020 is installed on windows 10 with FSUIPC 7  , Goflight hardware and Goflight interface Tool from Pollypot.

    PC#2 :

    Project Magenta airbus ABGC,MCDU and FCU are installed on windows 10 with WideFS 7

    FSUIPC and Wideclient are connected successfully.

    I'm using goflight MCP pro panel and button/rotaries press are detected in FSUIPC but when assigned to PM AB altitude push , for instance, the FCU software doesn't receive the command. 

    on the other hand, Goflight TQ6 axis are managed correctly between MSFS, FSUIPC 7 axis assignment and PM Airbus FCU

    by the way, PFD, ND  are working correctly through the network, only FSUIPC button assignement process is failing.






  5. Hi Peter,

    I'm using your latest version fsuipc350 widefs650.

    I want to assign my RP48 buttons to the PM airbus FCU. everything is going well except for the range and mode buttons. I'm trying to assign them to PM ND range inc (or dec) and PM ND mode inc(or dec), and it doesn't work. I tried to assign the rp48 pushbutton instead of the rotary knob but it doesn't work anyway.

    is there an offset problem or so? I don't understand. everything is ok with the pm boeing mcp.

    best regards,


  6. ok Pete!

    I understand I really should run my MCP on the FS PC. I'll try this.

    About my bug and GFdev.dll, I searched my files and...I discovered 2 versions. the latest in Goflight directory ver and an other one in xplane directory ver .

    the is in the latest goflight package ver 1.50 and maybe you have the same.

    is there a way to know what version is loaded and used with FS and FSUIPC?

    I may try to delete the older one...



  7. Thanks Pete for your analyse.

    So, I tried to improve my FPS and data rate. This data rate seems to depend the CPU speed. Keeping a slow PC in the network is like a bottleneck. Now, I have 12 FPS...which is acceptable. I'll try to reach 20 but I have to upgrade one of my PCs

    I moved one GF-RP48 to the MCP PC , using GFREMOTE is the best way to solve my problem...I have a chance because the PM function I need here is managed with GFREMOTE.

    I noticed like a bug happening in the following situation :

    My main PC is running XP2 SP2 fs9.1, with all my goflight modules attached to.

    I used FSUIPC to assign pm_ND_range inc and pm_ND_range_dec parameters to one GF-RP48 rotary knob (slow rotation CW and CCW)

    my project magenta GC is running on a networked PC.

    Now, everything seems to be ok. But if you try to change the ND range turning the knob CW and CCW several times, then FS9.1 nearly hangs. (mouse pointer lost, sound interruption, video freezes....). I tried this attaching the RP48 to another PC but I got the same result.

    then, the only way is to kill FS9.1 using the process management window.

    This is why I'm now using GFremote to assign this parameter.

    you say GFdisplay is near to be released, GFdisplay is a very useful idea, I'm eager!!

    best regards,


  8. Hi Pete!

    I used the button tab to assign most of project magenta MCP commands to RP48 and MCP goflight modules. my problem is about rotary knobs on the RP48. it is ok when I'm parked, turning knobs is quite synchronized with reading on the MCP panel. My problem appears while flying, there is more FPS and network traffic. Then, turning knobs on RP48 has quite delayed effect on MCP display (altitude, speed...).

    So, is there a way to optimize fsuipc or wideFS ini files to make this process faster? does it only depends on the different PC's CPU speed in my network? I know you wrote something about rotary encoder reading with FSUIPC, but I cannot remember where...

    thank you,


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