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Posts posted by Scotfleiger

  1. With the P3Dv5.3 HF1 installed my system is logging version as my reading of 0x3124 was showing.

    ********* FSUIPC6, Version 6.1.7 (21st December 2021) by Pete & John Dowson *********
    Prepar3D.exe version =
    Running inside Prepar3D v5
    Module base=7FFE7B070000
    Windows 10 Home 64 Bit reported as Build 19043, Release ID: 2009 (OS 10.0)
    Reading options from "F:\FSUIPC6\FSUIPC6.ini"

    I only did a reinstall of the client and scenery parts. I will check again when my current MSFS2020 update download is complete. That will be tomorrow!!

  2. 3 hours ago, John Dowson said:

    There isn't an offset for this, but why do you need it? If you want to reference from the installation folder, use a relative file path.

    The relative file path does not appear with to work with the sound.path function. It works with everything else.

    I have solved my problem by reading the current directory in my GUI and passing that to LUA to give an absolute address for FSUIPC via the sound.path function.

  3. Hi John

    I have been investigating @Stefan01 query. The problem appears to be linked to the fsuipc6.ini [Programs] block and FSUIPC6 v6.1.6. Previously, with FSUIPC6 v6.0.8 the first line below would start LINDA.EXE (full .ini attached):

    RunIf1=CLOSE,C:\Users\andre\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\linda.exe
    RunIf2=CLOSE,C:\Program Files (x86)\HiFi\AS_P3Dv4\AS_P3Dv4.exe

    In v6.1.6 this will run the second line (Active Sky) but not the first to start LINDA. I note there is a bug fix covering this area in the release notes. Any help would be appreciated.


  4. I have recently been pointed to WASM for accessing MSFS2020 Lvars and Hvars for integration into LINDA using LUA code. I am able to read and write to Lvars but the Hvars have got me confused. I have searched the documentation and thread for clues without success.

    For the A320Neo both Lvars and Hvars lists are incomplete for full control of the aircraft (eg. MCP data output and buttons missing). As far as I understand, Hvars are related to events.

    Can someone point me towards suitable notes on how to respond to and trigger Hvars in LUA?

  5. Hi John

    I did a 55 min flight this morning (with a 20 min pause) with the 'official' FSUIPC7 beta (28 Aug)' connected to LINDA and PlanG map. Everything worked fine until I was descending for a visual circuit. Then I had a full disconnect of all axes and buttons and the PlanG map froze. I had to turn off FSUIPC7 auto connect, manually disconnect and re-connect. Everything came back with no problems. I have not yet tried the 'trial' version you posted above with the optional switch.

  6. Hi John

    I believe FSUIPC7 provides sufficient information to allow me to list the available MSFS aircraft programmatically (using 0x3C00 and 0x3E00) for LINDA. Add-on aircraft are accessible via the ..\localcache\packages\community and \official\onestore. I am assuming future add-ons will be required to be located in the \community directory like ORBX which uses a shortcut to the ORBX library. This is work in progress.

  7. @borgfan The information is available after a little investigation.

    0x3C00 - returns the \simobjects path as you state (simobjects\airplanes\{aircraft}\aircraft.cfg).

    0x3E00 - returns the path to the \packages location (c:\users\{yourname}\appdata\local\packages\microsoft.FlightSimulator_{code}\ localcache\packages). The localcache is a shortcut that points, presumably, to the hidden MSFS install location.

    If you strip off the last \packages directory (returned by 0x3E00) and add the \simobjects path (returned by 0x3C00) you will get the full path to the aircraft.cfg. eg. c:\users\{username}\appdata\local\packages\microsoft.FlightSimulator_{code}\localcache\simobjects\airplanes\{aircraft}\aircraft.cfg).

    I hope this helps.


  8. Hi John/Pete

    With the latest MSFS 2020 update, I have a new beta version of LINDA (v4.0.0) working well with FSUIPC7 beta. No drop in FPS being experienced and I am able to run with ultra settings. Using the default functions based on available offsets and controls, LINDA provides control of VRi Combo MCPs and Logitech/Saitek flight panels as before. Congratulations on a great job.

    • Like 1
  9. @szeliga90 On the G36 the Aux Fuel Pump switch moves from off to high via low. This is the same when using the mouse or the control 66237. The offset 0x3125 goes from 0 to 1 (bit 1). If you look under Options/Controls, filter ALL and search for Fuel you will see those controls I mentioned before. We are limited to these at the moment.

    • Thanks 1
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