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Posts posted by Avwriter

  1. Just a friendly reminder that if you do not like this, then keep in mind you can always modify schedules manually, or just use Dick Parkers SC to create a schedule that has traffic 24/7 in whatever volume you like.

  2. On 2/28/2017 at 1:52 PM, FeelThere said:

    The default schedule doesn't have cargo traffic so possibly the terminal is not defined.

    With all due respect that's not a very strong argument.  Any chance of correcting this at some point down the road (I fully understand that there are other priorities higher on the list right now)?  Everything else about this airport works so well.  It is just a shame not to make it perfect. 

  3. Answering my own question after careful observation:  The "straight lines" are also part of the GA terminal.  There really is no Cargo terminal on the map at all.  As CRBASCOTT pointed out, though, assigning cargo flights to the GA terminal works fine, even if it is a bit quirky.

  4. 2 hours ago, AirborneCDS said:

    Agree with your points.  Also, it would be nice to see crosswinds produce crabbing behavior from a/c and possibly even some missed approaches and go arounds do to wind.  The approach and landing phase for every a/c is the same.  Some variations here would add a lot (I feel).  Variations in cloud cover would be nice too, at least visually-- scattered, broken and even high altitude cirrus layers. 

    I know this has been brought up before, but the strong gusty winds shown by the trees blowing about seem very out of place when the wind indicator shows 2 knots (or calm) and/or in foggy conditions.  Something that simple can really blow the immersion to an otherwise great sim. 


    That would be nice to, but would likely require a major redesign of the program, which will probably not happen at this point. 

  5. The presence of simulated wind in Tower!3DPro, is a very positive step.  However, some aspects of its implementation are a bit disappointing. 

    It seems the only time that winds of more than 1-2 knots are ever present, are during stormy weather, or very occasionally when using the Random weather feature.  When selecting Clear weather, the wind direction does vary each time a new session is started, but the wind speed seems to be capped at about 2 knots.  Why?  Moderate and even gusty winds are quite common under clear skies, and adding a bit more variation would make things much more interesting and believable.  Would it present a large technical challenge to add a bit more variation, or perhaps to simply add one more weather theme, called "Windy", which includes gusts and or wind shifts? 

    Likewise, I really feel that tweaking the Random theme to make it a little more dynamic (nothing crazy - just more frequent changes), would also be beneficial.  As it is, even in the Random theme, weather changes are quite rare, which makes the feature less useful than it could be.  Alternatively, perhaps building in a slider, that lets the user adjust how rapidly the weather will change would be a solution.  Just my thoughts.


  6. In a word, no.  While I understand that this would be convenient.  For me personally, I find that even if I pause a game for a little while and then come back to it, I find that I have often lost situational awareness, and have trouble getting back into the grove of the session.  At such times, it usually just seems easier just to start a new session at a new time.  However, maybe that's just me. 

    In the real world, of course, even if a controller does have to take a short break (urgent bathroom need or the like), and hands it off to someone else temporarily, when he gets back  he will certainly not be picking it up where he left off.  The traffic will just keep on going.

  7. +1  Of course to be fair, Gabor does post here from time to time, and he does have a Facebook page where you can make comments.


    I say this a little in jest, but in reality, it would be kind of cool.  He really needs to develop two versions.  One for modern (current liveries) and a separate (add-on to an add-on) called RT Nostalgia).    Bring back Eastern, PanAm, TWA, and a few other classics, along with the aircraft to match: 742, L-1011, 727, etc. That would actually be great fun and I would happily pay good money for it, but it needs to be something that can easily be turned on and off in the sim.


  8. 7 minutes ago, achilles1971 said:

    Hey  Nyerges !!!

    Swissair doesn't exist anymore...lol

    Its easy enough to change if you want.  Just go to the airlines file for the field in question and put a "//" in front of that airline.  You could delete it entirely, but who knows maybe someday you will become nostalgic for it :-)

  9. Thanks for your observations.  Yes they clearly should have extended the airport territory slightly farther to the south to make proper room for this area.  I notice that right next to the area you have circled are a series of straight lines, which I presume must be the intended docking positions for a cargo center, but as far as I can tell adding a cargo terminal to the terminal file does not activate it.  Of course I never realized that the house could actually hide the airplanes.  Has anyone ever succeeded in getting those positions to become active?


  10. Speaking of which, have you heard anything from them (Simsmith) lately?  Their Facebook page has been absolutely silent since mid-January.  Not answering any posts or posting anything new since then, when before it was quite active with lots of hints about upcoming projects, including one for Tower3D.  I hope nothing has happened to him(her)?

  11. 2 minutes ago, Minimax64 said:

    There are four runways in Vegas, right? That are two runways too much for me :(

    Just turn down the traffic percentage on the main selection page before you start the game  You can have any level of traffic you like.  In any case keep practicing, and take a look at you tube videos by airport spotters.  Some of them offer a lot of insight on how the traffic flows work in the real world.  In the mean time I think I am going to start working on a guide to managing traffic.  I'm not perfect, or even close to  it, but have been at this for a while and do have some ideas I would like to share

  12. Are referring about all those ground incursions I will probably cause ?  LOL. 

    1.  Is KATL still next

    2. Any chance at all that I will I see it before my birthday in a couple of weeks, or do I have to go to Vagas to find that out?


    Hey you can't blame a guy for trying.  I have been waiting a long time, and would love to be the first to buy it :-)

  13. Okay, I'll bite.  In a word, YES.  Pro surpasses it in nearly every way.  The only advantages of Tower2011 are that is currently has more add-on airports available (but this will change over time), and it probably runs better on lower-end computers.  T3DPRO has very few bugs, and offers all of the features of Tower2011 and quite a bit more.  For once, voice recognition works beautifully.  For years, I had an aversion to using voice recog based games, because they just did not work very well for me, because frankly they seemed like more trouble than they were worth.  I would put a lot of time into training ti, and then I would still find myself repeating commands over and over.  It tired it with Pro, and after about ten minutes of training, and a few more minutes getting used to how the game wants the call signs stated (numbers must be spoken one by one; eg. DAL2423 is Delta TWO FOUR TWO THREE- saying twenty four twenty three messes it up almost every time), it works perfectly with almost no errors.  You will also love the new ADIRS screen that shows all the names of the taxiways.

  14. 30 minutes ago, ttjager said:

    The old RT used to run a quick DOS prompt command line where you selected the number of aircraft you wanted over a period of time.  Is that gone?  How do I tweak the schedule without re-writing every line of the ksan_schedule.txt file?  I'm tied of running SAN with only 3 aircraft.  I must be missing something.



    I believe that you may be confusing RT with Dick Parker's Schedule Creator.  RT includes real aircraft models and a single 24 hour schedule for each airport that represents a typical operational day at that field.  It does not provide any means of tweaking the schedule.  For that you need Schedule Creator, which is free and available in the post at the top of this forum, along with complete instructions for installation and use.

  15. I believe that Tower3D/Pro still uses some level of commercial satellite imagery, and might make non-US fields more expensive, but definitely would love to see them.  EGLL was among the best add-on airports for Tower2011 but priced way higher than any others.  My personal wish list would include, KLGA, KSFO, EDDF, and PANC. 

  16. Of course, the the simplest solution for the whole thing is just to stretch the 3D screen across both monitors and then place strips on one side, and DBRITE/ADIRS on the other.  Not sure yet which approach takes a bigger hit on performance, but I am betting it is the latter.  Nevertheless, I figured it was worth pointing out since being able to undock the windows is an intended feature.

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