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Donald Weller

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Posts posted by Donald Weller

  1. 5 hours ago, Pete Dowson said:

    It sounds like you have the switch set to repeat whilst pressed, an option in the assignment tab. The battery control is a "toggle" (Toggle master battery) so it goes on or off whilst a button is pressed, and a latching switch 'on' is always pressed.

    I don't know what functions you want, but the easiest way to work that out is to use FSUIPC's logging facilities. Enable event logging (not the axis one) in the Logging Tab. Then when you operate a switch in your aircraft, eg using the mouse, if it uses a control at all it will be logged in the Log file in the Modules folder.

    To make this an easier process, temporarily run the sim in Windowed mode (ALT+ENTER) and enable the Console Log in FSUIPC's Logging tab. Then you can see what happens in real time, on screen.



    Nope. I dont have reapeat on and it flickers. If i turn on repeat it flickers faster. This is in Prepar3d using the Iris F-22 if that helps...

  2. So i am building a f22 cockpit and i am experimenting with using FSUIPC to allow swiches to control things. But things dont behave as i expect. For example if i set a switch on my warthog to switch the main battery on the power flips on and off repeatedly. And i cant figure out how the MFDs are controlled. I dont really see any definitive entries in the fs control list...


    Som insight would be appreciated.

  3. So I am trying to set up my warthog to work with this. But I am have some weird issues that I can't for the life of me figure out.

    If I assign a toggle to the main batt. by sending master batt toggle..Joystick #1 button 27 The master batt turns on and then immediately turns off. If I uncheck the do not hold button it still stays off. If I select repeat it just turns on and off repeatedly. I can't figure out how to get the command to stick in any way but using a mouse click. And the mouse macro don't seem to work to do it.  

  4. So what I need to do is make sure the throttle range includes the part where you lift up and pull back the the throttles. Then set that point as fuel cut.

    And in theory this should allow me to push the engines on....

    Can fsuipc work with go flight panels?

    In FS the engines only shut down when the fuel it cut. So you'd need to assign a Fuel Cut control to the point on your throttle axis where you cant this to happen. You can do that on the right-hand side of FSUIPC's assignments tab.



    There are many ways of dealing with trim. If the hat is only being seen as two buttons, "up" and "down" then using Elev Trim Up and Down controls you should be able to get single increments of about 256 (which is 1/64th of the range).  Surely 64 increments between level and full should be enough? Beware of repeats though. If FS sees two such controls close together it does often add accelerated changes -- like double tapping the relevant keys on the keyboard.



    It don't know how your military aircraft are stated, but usually you need some way of spinning them and then introducing fuel. If you know what controls you use to do that then, again, you can assign them to the throttle on the right-hand side of the assignments tab. Note that you can make different assignments there for increasing values to the decreasing ones you'd use to stop the engines.



    On this on you turn on the apu then push the throttle out of off to idle and that should add fuel and start the engines. So if I get the fuel cut to work it should allow this to work...I will let you know when I get home Monday if it worked...
  5. So I want to set up my Hotas the way they are set up in actual military aircraft. 

    So I want to make it so when I lift and pull the throttle all they way back it shuts down the engines.

    I want to set the trim hat to work the way it would work. When I do pitch trime it seems to partly work. But the trim inputs seem to be huge. 

    And the throttles i don't see how to get them to work to shut down the engines. Also when i start from a cold dead start I have to use the mouse to get the engines out of the off position and I would like to be able to push the engines forward to idle and have them start. 

    I am doing this in FSX Steam edition and am using the IRIS F-22 Raptor driver.

    I also tried to get the APU switch on the HOTAS to start the APU and that didn't seem to work. 

    Hope you guys can help me. :) 

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