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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. Oh boy, look out! :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    He probably should have had the Klondike Red after fulfilling #2 by going #1! :wink:

    Seems like atypical "animal husbandry" runs rampant in some of "them back country folks" doesn't it? One might wonder if bush pilot medical exams should include a check for diseases carried exclusively by animals ! :shock:

    Ya' gotta wonder if its the chronic hooch intake, or the isolation that contributes most?!!! :roll:


  2. Say, isn't that "Limberger Beach" in that last picture? :shock:

    The Porta-Potties for the tropical "Elmer's Hooch Mojito" drinks were a dead giveaway! 8)

    PS: The buzzards tell me you've always "got your eye on the tail" (nice repaint)! :wink:


  3. Fritz, still outraged at all the changes while he was gone, and still in the grips of his stress-induced Multiple Personality Disorder, assumes his alter ego as the "Emmaperor" and attempts to chop down the new Emma Field Control Tower with his trusty lightsaber! :twisted:

    In doing so, he once again scares the crap out of Uncle Elmer! :?


  4. Pups, having had too many of Chez Fritz's "Hot Wings" appetizers made before he perfected the recipe, begins to bloat. :?

    Being at the same time impertinent, flatulant and inquisitive, he steps outside to the designated "amateur volcano contest" mound to relieve himself in pyrotechnic splendor. :shock:

    All the while, chuckling inwardly about how he's gonna "make a mountain out of a mole hill", he never loses track of his cellular call to his college physics professor, as they compute the energy contained in an average expulsion of flatus. :idea:



  5. Holy SASS-SQUATch, Pups... that was outstanding writing there! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Yer' a poet and the world don't know it! :P

    Kind of a new take on "aroma therapy" wouldn't ya' say? :?:

    You didn't by any chance write this after waking up in the middle of the night did ya'? :roll:

    Well, here goes the writing challenge again; I'll just have to come up with something again soon! 8)


  6. Yeah, They don't usually "get" the humor of physical comedy and the hilarious satire of many cartoons like guys do. Just think of what great laughs they are missing when the 3 stooges are on TV! :P

    PS: Bill- I loved the German WWII helmet on the squirrel! Now, I assume the youngster is actually Uncle Elmer as a Child (when he had hair!); and the last one was "DonkeyHote"? Just kiddin' here folks, but Bill, I just gotta ask: in the last image, which one was supposed to be the ass, the top one or the bottom one? :lol:


  7. Fritz had constructed the "Potty Scooter" for Uncle Elmer after his run-in with the Sasquatch, since Elmer, being sensitive to dairy products, wouldn't eat the Limberger cheese for its suppression of "Premature Evacuation". But now, Fritz had an urgent personal need for it himself. :?:

    Normally kept available for FSCargo Pilots landing here after long flights who are Freight Dogging (and sometimes "prairie dogging" so bad that they can't make it to the clubhouse john), Fritz recently started keeping it handy for his own use by the old hangar. :?

    Apparently, he was scared $_itless that the EFFC would find out about his "animal husbandry" in the hangar! :lol:



  8. Fritzois was already too stressed out from "wearing so many hats" and maintaining so many personas in the forums. :roll:

    Finally, after failing to chop down the new Emma Field control tower with his trusty hatchet, he undergoes a schizoid break with "virtual reality", and develops a "multiple personality" disorder :shock: :lol:

    PS: Don't feel too bad, look what happened to this kid's picture: http://www.funnypart.com/funny_picturesrnet.shtml



  9. Cecil, hearing that Fritz was going to make a Shepherd's Pie as a project for his "Home Gourmet" Seattle community college telecourse said sheepishly: "All this time Fritz has been pulling the wool over my eyes; I feel like such a mutton-head...". :oops:

    "Shorn'uff"! said Madaz, "Ewe aren't the only one who feels like he's been fleeced"! :shock:

    "I'd like to Ram Fritz's new golf cart up against the old hangar with my F16 jetwash", said Pups. :twisted:

    "Yeah, he's been spinning yarns to cover up the naked truth; we were taken in like Lambs before the slaughter" GaryGB bleated, visibly choked up. :cry:

    "Bahhhh!" said Bill Dick, "And we thought we were all one happy flock..." :x

    "Yeah, that really gets my goat, Billy" said blonde investigating officer Barbie, "Does he think you're all clueless young kids or something?" :lol:


  10. My mom was once in a Restaurant in the US and ordered a steak with this: "Can I please become a steak."

    Hi Phil:

    A brief moment of humor here in an otherwise serious discussion:

    Your mother's request reminds me a little of the yarn I recently wrote for this forum (received rather equivocally) about the time a very young and naive Buddhist monk asked Fritz (who was serving up hot dogs off the grill at the Emma clubhouse during a barbeque) if he could: "Make me one with everything"! :D (see: http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.p4&start=30 )


  11. Arrr Matey, 'methinks ye got a real good idearrr there! 8)

    The main office on Grand Cayman via Bill Lyons' Turbo Mallard in Chalk's livery out of Miami (a nice tax write-off for a winter holiday for "meetings" on the beach. Then for local distribution by cover of night, how about Potlatch Island in the belly of the Hood Canal down south of Lilliwaup on Highway 101; the Skokomish Indian Nation have domain over the mainland shoreline and the "revenoors" would not be able to get close in their black government cars to do any snooping. :wink:

    I can see it now: "The Pirates of Potlatch"! :twisted:



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