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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. While you were all at the bar blasting the new surround sound system and enjoying the DVD of "Air America" starring Mel Gibson and Robert Downey Jr. on the 60 inch plasma screen (great Pilatus PC-6 Porter and C-123 stunts!), the Fat & Sassy Forces sneaked in to get "tanked up" on your "man fuel"! :lol:

    PS: at 63 tons for each tank and 9 tons for each stalwart, we sorta' altered the terrain around the airfield! :oops:




  2. Hi Cecil!

    I'm a virtual newbie here, but I've been looking in at all the fun here for years before I jumped into the public forum posting fracas recently.

    I recognized your name as one of our (few) links with the real world of Emma's environs. I remember your vital contributions to the Lilliwaup scenery project; good to see you posting here again! :)

    I sure do hope you'll tell us the "Tale of Springwater Mary" sometime soon! In the mean time you may have noticed in the forum here some of us have been making up stories about Fritz and Emma to have some laughs and get things fired up at EFFC again. Your knowledgeable input would be greatly appreciated, as Francois has a lot of rumors to dispel when he finally gets around to writing his "semi-autobiographical" life story of Fritz he's been promising us! :idea:

    PS: Seeing as you live only 20 miles down the road from Lilliwaup, I'd better ask this up front: you're not related to Fritz too, are you? :mrgreen:

    PSx2: If you're NOT related to Fritz, you've got my vote for Mayor at Emma! :lol:


  3. ROFL Francois!!!

    I suppose with all the interbreeding going on in the area, Fritz has so many relatives now he really means it when he says "we're all just one big happy family at Emma"! :lol:

    And since blood is thicker than water, I'll bet he would have no problem getting elected President of a new republic formed on Olympic Island after the "Big One" hits. After all, if a "C" student with ADHD and a drunk driving arrest history can get elected to President of the U.S., Fritz can have his 15 minutes of fame too!

    Speaking of George W. Bush, I saw a funny book which chronicles his unique country-fied way of contructing sentences entitled "Dubya Speak". My favorite statement which he uttered during a "State of the Union" speech was: "...More and more, our imports are coming from other countries..." :shock:


  4. Hi Madaz!

    My thumb got a workout on the remote at the clubhouse using the TIVO to find this memorable "footage", but in between servings of E-Rations ( see: http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.p39&start=0 ) at the clubhouse bar and admiring the twin thermometers rise and fall on Pamela Anderson Lee in old reruns of Baywatch on Satellite HDTV, :oops: I finally got the right link: http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.pbou#272582 :lol:

    Some mighty fine flying (and writing) there, mate! :D

    PS: I heard a rumor the money for the new TV system came from a local rich guy named "Bill" who wants in on our comeraderie; he supposedly said "my development teams at the Game Studios could learn something from such a creative bunch of guys... they are really , and with so many ex-military pilots there, maybe by talking with them at the bar, I can figure out what actually went wrong in CFS3!" 8)


  5. Hi Don! Long time no see at Emma! :D (I sent you a PM)

    I guess we should all bear in mind that Emma might be located on a fault line, and that if "The Big One" comes, maybe we'll end up on the east coast bluffs of the new "Olympic Island" overlooking scenic "Lake Seattle". :shock:

    Hmmm...no more Bills Bluff or Dexters; I just can't bear to think about it! :cry:


  6. Greetings Canuck21a (aka Fritz in this thread?)

    Fritzie for a minute there I thought you meant that you were going to pull old Uncle Elmer out of the "Corn Squeezin's" mash tank over by the still see: http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.p295#314295 ) and put "the floater" out on the front lawn at the cabin by Lake Cushman to dry out!!! :shock: (But then we all could use a little "drying out", No?)

    Checkin' to see if his earthly remains really are "incorruptible" perhaps? Based on the stories we've heard, you must have gotten mixed up over the word "incorrigible"! :lol:

    BTW, the EFFC was initially concerned about the expense for the satellite TV which you disguised as an ILS system for the stork, but it worked out OK; you get to admire the shine from the TV studio lights on Dr. Phil's bald head, the rest of us get to watch reruns of the MacKenzie brothers on SCTV ( http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/ref/bo_mckenzie1 ) in between Discovery Channel shows about the search for Sasquatch. That big 60 inch plasma screen up next to the bar in the clubhouse sure does look nice though! I heard it was specially ordered with a TIVO to replay events from the remote to accommodate your short attention span ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADHD ) ...something about it being an ADHDTV setup! :wink:


  7. Hey Fritz, look! "Valley Field" just moved over on top of Emma!!! :lol:

    PS: Skinny Puppy, try not to land that F-16 so hard at Emma, you're compressing the scenery layers!!! :mrgreen:

    Now Fritz is going to have to call in Steve Greenwood, Justin Tyme and Holger Sandmann to fix the "mesh" you've made! :shock: :D


  8. So Chris, if we find out Uncle Elmer passed away 5 years ago, should we request the Vatican initiate beatification proceedings for him? And what could we list as proof of 2 miracles (or miraculous cures) in the history of Emma that would qualify him for sainthood? :?:

    And I shudder to think that incorruptibility of his earthly remains was because he fell in the tank of mash (Corn Squeezin's) with all the alcohol (ethanol is THE original preservative 'ya know!). ...So maybe thats the secret to all that strange flavor! :(

    Maybe this is the origin of yet another nickname for the Fritz family moonshine among the electrical engineers at the powerhouse in the valley on Lilliwaup Creek when they get their regular undocumented shipment: "St. Elmer's Fire"!!! :lol:


  9. Hi Chris!

    Judging by the snoring coming from your nostrils, it must actually be "a pack o' polyps" (the nasal passages kind)!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Poor guy... all tuckered out from flying sorties over Emma.

    Sleep well CBris; you're gonna need your rest for the upcoming "Battle of the Bulge", as the forces striving to keep Emma "lean and mean" duke it out with those who would have her become "fat and sassy" with add-ons! :twisted:


  10. Hi Bill:

    Excellent work! :lol:

    I guess Fritz couldn't keep the still location a secret after the first phase of the construction started; we all know what a sharp eye construction workers have for "tavern clouds" on the horizon. I guess they must have mistaken the cloud of steam from the Fritz family "electric still" as a tavern cloud! :shock:

    BTW, quite an operation they have there! They make so much, they're able to use 55 gallon fuel drums for distribution. Of course shipping it in drums probably helps them avoid detection by the IRS and ATF.

    Well Bill, I guess if we're are going to keep up with Chris's screenie humor, we'd better post a detail shot showing the "E-Ration" drum label with the phrase "may contain up to 98% ethanol", sort of like the gas pumps here in the U.S. normally do (except that emission-reducing fuel for cars here tops out at 10% ethanol!) :wink:

    Speaking of reducing emissions, I notice your hangar mod wasn't regarded to be as much a "foul wind of change" as Cheney Memorial. I hope this hasn't discouraged you from collaborating with Phil to finish that project sometime soon.

    I figure If we're gonna be dodging Fritz's buckshot and flack there during routine daily operations, we might as well start getting used to such "metallic ambiance" now during the military campaign launched against the Cheney construction! :mrgreen:


  11. Outstanding Chris!

    The fine print on your repaint eluded my gaze until your closeup screenie pointed it out. :lol:

    Its becoming harder to get up off the floor from lauging with all the increased humor here lately. I guess I'll just have to practice getting up from the floor by ordering more shots of "Powerhouse" under the counter at Dexters to get back in condition! :?

    I've been drinking the big name brand stuff at the Emma Clubhouse lately due to concerns that if I get "tanked up" on Uncle Elmer's there, I might become too "rational", and then the world would be less funny than it is right now! 8)

    PS: When we pull up to the tank at KEWL, do we refer to the Fritz family "man fuel" with a codeword?

    I propose "E-Rations" as a codeword for Uncle Elmer's during this military campaign yet to escalate with further apocalyptic overtones! :twisted:


  12. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    All righty then!!! Now this is the kind of action I'd like to see more of at Emma... people taking stands for their "beliefs" in a virtual word where everyone can "be all that you can be" with a little digital magic. :wink:

    Shall we set up a tactical virtual combat situation table with "scale models" in the Emma clubhouse, or do we just use the topdown view now and then during flights over the field? :?:


  13. Hi Bill:

    Are you sure you didn't mean to say "beating around the Bush"? After all, I see you were referring to a politician! :lol:

    BTW, NBC TV's Saturday Night Live did some great satirical sketches of VP Cheney bullying, roughing up and ultimately controlling a naive President Bush. Ya gotta wonder sometimes...! :shock:


  14. Hey Skinny Puppy:

    Maybe you could help us with some weight loss tips so Emma doesn't get overweight as more add-ons become available. :wink:

    I like the idea of a steam catapult launcher and the arrestor cable you described earlier in this thread. From some of your much older posts, I wouldn't be surprised if you actually have done just that in your copy of Emma! (Do you have a way to do this, for example, next to the glider path at Emma?) :?:

    We could pipe some steam from the boiler on Fritz's family moonshine operation he's been hiding out behind the old hangar for years. Surprising thing is that it was one of the first electric stills in Washington State because his family made a deal early on with the family that runs the privately-owned hydroelectric plant (really!) on Lilliwaup creek down below Bill's Bluff 3/4 mile up from the Hood Canal inlet. Fritz gets undocumented power from the generators in exchange for some "hooch" several times a month to the folks at the powerhouse. In fact, there's a rumor that the locals call the Fritz family moonshine "Powerhouse" as a codename when they order it under the counter at Dexter's. I say under the counter because they are usually on the floor face up by the time they get drunk enough to start doing shots of Fritz's "Electric Corn-Squeezin's". :lol:

    But seriously Pupster, if we don't all agree on the Cheney Memorial add-on, I'll bet most folks would enjoy a launcher/arrestor "track" over by the gliders. Or perhaps as an alternative to the runway pavement in the clear cut strip at "no man's land" a.k.a. Cheney Memorial (worlds' first grass field with an integrated launcher/arrestor?) Just an idea... :D

    PS: I guess the electric makes it possible for Fritz's family to run the still around the clock without any smoke to tip off "them revenoors" with the "Infernal Revenue Service" (IRS) and the guys with the ATF (Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms) about the various things going-on at Emma. Who else but Fritz would perk up and get a little hyper when such 3 letter words are used instead of 4 letter words? 8)

    Now we know why he's always roaming around all over the premises at night; probably checking on the still! :twisted:


  15. Hi Phil:

    I would say regardless of anyone's perspective to the contrary, one should go for it anyway, and enjoy the creative process. All un-official Emma add-ons being optional anyway, we just have to find ways to standardize installs so that the add-ons can be turned off easily to keep Emma "slim and trim" on the framerates for a given session. :)

    I'd also like to find a way to turn off some of the "official" default features I'm not using in a particular session to help Emma lose weight. :roll:

    Speaking of losing weight, maybe the constipation has resolved here after the "infusion" of new posts and activity, and Emma will become a "regular" lean, mean, simmin' machine with the help of continued new "input". :?

    !!! :mrgreen:

    I don't mean to make Emma the "butt" of this joke, however, the moderately increased "movement" we are seeing here lately is all I had in mind, not an uncontrolled "evacuation" northwards into the wilds of Canada or Alaska. No disrespect intended to the Emma-ites from those regions (they put up with enough "crap" from the U.S. already!) but I think Emma belongs right where it is. And sometimes a foul, but naturally-occurring "wind" of change accompanies increased movement! Besides, this Forum isn't hosted by "sim-outhouse.com" :lol:

    Now Fritz, don't go getting all "flushed" in the face over this, :oops: but if you need a vacation up north for old time's sake, you just delegate some of the chores to the EFFC volunteers for a while, and we'll see you when you get back. And don't forget to bring along some of that moonshine from your entrepreneur friends on the indian reservation in Alaska! :wink:


  16. Hey Francois, in your "semi-autobiographical" story of Fritz (which I hope will dispel so many outrageous and presumptuous tales and yarns about our hero, and beloved founder), will it include a web glossary of American slang for our international community of readers? :roll:

    Maybe you could call it "Fritz's Wiki", or the "Emmapsychopedia Britannica"! :lol:

    (NOT to be confused with "Emmacylemania B.M.W."! OR "EmmaGonnaReappearin BritishColombia"!) :!:

    Here's a few suggestions for starters:

    Yarn: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yarn (bigger and badder than a single forum thread!)

    Hick(s) (Hix -alternate PNW context) ): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hick (careful about that French Lick stuff!)

    Nix: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/nix <...must ...avoid overuse of "colloquial" ...but ...feel so French when I do use it...> :wink:

    Styx / Sticks : (-alternate PNW context) http://www.phrases.org.uk/bulletin_boars/902.html

    Pix: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pix (better watch 'yer slanguage Fritz!)

    Variety Magazine: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variety_%28magazine%29 (Jargon Slanguage: Francois' French pen name) :shock:

    Treasure: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treasure (Hmmm... and I always thought "cognate" was an after dinner drink!) :mrgreen:


  17. Francois, with all the stress from the impending apocalypse over Emma, my identity crisis is kickin' in again...


    Did I just understand Chris referred to his having a "Cartouche Derriere"?!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Just my 2 cents worth here guys: personally I most often enjoy emma and the rural ambiance as originally "Georendered", with the ultralight camp and the lake cushman waterbase addons. The other Emma addons are fun to try out now and then too, but I think we all fondly appreciate the original Emma as we first discovered her, being the lady that captivated our imagination so well.

    It would be nice to have a "configurator" like Bird's Eye View has ( http://www.flightsim-bevs.com/ ), just for flying around Emma, to keep the frame rates and smoothness at a reasonable level for a given flight. I just reloaded Emma lately, and was surprised that it still ran slow even on my new video card; must be time for a CPU chip/mobo upgrade!

    But ya gotta admit, the recent contoversy has certainly stimulated a lot of interest in Emma again. Look at the view counts and new posts! One might wonder how much of the hits on the "Emma Field Add-ons" thread at http://forums.simfli...pic.php?t=50599 are due to interest in having actual new addons, and how many were due to concern over whether Emma might be changing drastically.

    And let us not forget this old thread about Lago's proposed changes! : http://forums.simfli...opic.php?t=5363 :wink:

    Brings to mind the refrain from an old Joni Mitchell song: "Don't it always seem to go... you don't know what you've got 'til its gone... pave paradise, put up a parking lot!!!

    I would just like to celebrate the skill, generosity and humor amongst all the Emma-ites, and try out some new sceneries for a little fun. As for me, I mostly enjoy flying out in rural scenery in the spot view when I'm not flying in the real world.

    However, I think we're about due for some more serious mischief like we had in this hilarious thread as A37Gnome, Don Smith and Bushsimmer had a brief "battle" over the future of Emma (read it all... its great!): http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.ptorder=asc

    Thanks for all the fun and comraderie!

    PS: Francois, thank you so much for keeping the old EFFC forum pages online; they are a genuine treasure!


  18. WHOOPS! I forgot about the more than double entendre that one's statements might have in a forum frequented by international participants.

    Chris, now realizing you must be of British origin, I must clarify my short-sighted colloquialism (not that my over-the-top post necessarily merits being dignified by further explanation :oops: ): the phrase "Flipping the bird" as used in my post above referred to american slang for the "middle finger salute", the same crude, but remarkably expressive gesture that was memorialized in the title of a song by 60's rock duo Simon and Garfunkle called "A Simple Desultory Philippic"!

    'Nuff said.. and all meant only in fun! :D

    As to the J2F-6 Duck looking like it has "overdosed on Viagra", and whether modesty would allow one of your possible, and most over-the-top, J2F-6 Duck repaint screenies on the Forum, please see this picture of the Grumman Duck and you'll probably get the obtuse description I was referring to (all in bad taste of course! :oops: ):

    http://library.avsim.net/zipshow.php?DLage%2Fjpeg :lol:

    and as for Daffy Duck, the exuberant cartoon character popular to american audiences: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=dagle+Search :idea:

    BTW Chris, after that "snakeskin" heli repaint, i just gotta ask: how's that Carpal Tunnel (repetitive strain injury of the wrist, often seen in computer graphic artists) coming along? :wink:


  19. Oh, and Francois, personally I thought the inverted flying was because Chris had carpal tunnel from all the mousework while repainting, and he couldn't lift the bottle of Uncle Elmer's fully up to his mouth against all the G's he pulls with his stunts. :D

    It seemed to me that the upside down passes are when the bottle drains easier into his waiting gullet without all the painful lifting, as he does "unauthorized flybys" past the clubhouse. :?


  20. Well Francois, lets be glad he isn't flying Heather Sherman's Grumman J2F-6 Duck inverted, 'cause he might "QUACK UP". :lol:

    And besides, he'd probably repaint it to look like Daffy Duck, of the Warner Bros. cartoons "Looney Tunes" fame! :wink:

    Furthermore, since the J2F-6 Duck looks like it has overdosed on Viagra, I don't know if modesty would allow one of Chris's J2F-6 repaint screenies on the Forum (available by arrangements via PM only... right Chris?) :mrgreen:


  21. Hi Simon:

    WOW! The EFFC Display Team... an excellent idea! I had missed this back at the time :oops: ; must have been on vacation then (literally or figuratively!). 8)

    1.) Is this repaint still on your site

    2.) Where can one get the plane

    3.) How could we assemble a EFFC Display Team for events like Don's homecoming and/or dedication of Cheney Memorial / Emma International?

    Thanks Again. :roll:


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