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USB PFC JetLiner Yoke and pfc.dll

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Hi, Pete, I just got the USB Jetliner Yoke form PFC the instructions say that in Win XP just have to plug the USB conector and that all , I just did that and it worked, the problem is that I do not want to use the XP´s Gaming options to control my yoke I want to use your pfc.dll facility to control my yoke(I have the throttle quadrant) , the jetliner yoke also has a DB-15 connector but if I connect it to the throtlle quadrant I can not get the Aileron and Elevator move in the PFC facility.

Please advise me, how to connect so I can still use the pfc.dll

Thanks in advance

Rafael Castañeda

Oaxaca, Mexico

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Hi, Pete, I just got the USB Jetliner Yoke form PFC the instructions say that in Win XP just have to plug the USB conector and that all , I just did that and it worked, the problem is that I do not want to use the XP´s Gaming options to control my yoke I want to use your pfc.dll facility to control my yoke(I have the throttle quadrant) , the jetliner yoke also has a DB-15 connector but if I connect it to the throtlle quadrant I can not get the Aileron and Elevator move in the PFC facility.

Please advise me, how to connect so I can still use the pfc.dll

Sounds like you need to re-wire the yoke altogether to suit the throttle quadrant. I cannot advise you how to do that -- you probably should have told PFC you wanted to connect it that way when you ordered it. Check with them anyway, perhaps they'll exchange it for you instead.



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