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widefs install

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hello folks i have a problem with getting it started.

first i put the wideserver.dll and wide server.ini in the main 2004 in the modules folder, and then i put on the client pc the wideclient.exe and wideclient.ini in a folder i named wide and put it on the client pc desktop.

i then loaded a couple of programs like fsmeteo, and radar control on the client pc.

i also checked for my tcp/ip connections on both coms and they are correct as i can see because they are both checked, so i believe that is all i have to do.

i also checked for the ip address and found it to be correct as far as i know.

the main com where n runs from 1 to 255 is 100 and the client com is 101, so i believe that is correct.

i will start up 2004 on the main (and i did register both fsuipc and widefs) and then on the client pc start widefs and a window will open saying FS98 is waiting for connection, i then will start fsmeteo and it will say push fly now, and i have all ready opened 2004.

i will say this that there is a router in between my main com and the client is that a factor, im not for sure if that is a factor because i have them both networked toghether.

can someone please help me.....Thanks..................Robert


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im using tcp/ip and im using server address,196. 268 0 100 for main com and 101 for the client.

when you say post info on wideserver. dll and wideserver.ini what do you mean , what is there to show is there a folder to show you, all i know is that i put wideserver.dl in the module folder(fs9) and i put wideserver.ini fs9.

and in the client i put wideclient.exe and wideclient.ini in a folder on the desk top on the client , is that the right thing to do.

as far as showing you a file im not for sure how sorry.

thsnks ...........robert

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im using tcp/ip and im using server address,196. 268 0 100 for main com and 101 for the client.

WideFS doesn't care at all what addresses you are using. But WideClient needs to know the name of your server. You edit the WideClient.ini file on the client to do this.

when you say post info on wideserver. dll and wideserver.ini what do you mean

No one asked to see the DLL. But the INI files -- WideClient.ini on the Client and WideServer.ini on the Server -- are the parameter files controlling what WideFS does. They are text files and you need to look at them and certainly you have to edit the Client one in order to tell WideClient the name of the Server. This is explained in the WideFS documentation.

As well as those two text files, there will also be a WideServer.log file with the WideServer files, and a WideClient.log file with the WideClient files. These log files are also ordinary text files, and are produced when you run the programs to tell you what is going on. Look at those too.

If you want help here simply cut and paste the text from those files into your messages. It is easier than attaching them and more suitable for small amounts of text (as certainly the INI files, at least, will be).

all i know is that i put wideserver.dl in the module folder(fs9) and i put wideserver.ini fs9.

The INI file must be in the same folder (Modules) as the DLL, not separated.



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