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wideclient programming question

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Hi Pete,

You once told me that I could use "ClassInstance=nn" in the wideclient.ini file. This would enable me to send data to multiple computers that have fs2004+wideserver running.

(i modified the lib_source, so my program can talk to each FS98MAIN0x class seperatly)

Is this 'Classinstance=nn' still supported ? I can't run the wideclient (with classname fs98main01) toghether with FS2004 anymore.

My goal is to have one PC (server which runs FS2004) connected to 3 clients (also running fs2004), and provide those 3 clients with the same data. (Kinda what wideview from luciano does, but different goal)

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Is this 'Classinstance=nn' still supported ? I can't run the wideclient (with classname fs98main01) toghether with FS2004 anymore.

Yes, it works fine here. Though I spell it "ClassInstance". Not sure if Windows is case insensitive for Profiles or not.

The parameter needs to go int the [Config] section of the WideClient.ini file.

There's never been any change to this since I added it, whenever.



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:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Well, my program worked, but the updaterate is very low.

Having 1 fs2004 and 2 wideclients open, and sending data through them to the 2 client pc's who are running wideserver can't be faster than 400msec

(i was trying to duplicate wideview for a moment hehehe)

I guess i have to create my own module with network capabilities to send data to some clients.

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Well, my program worked, but the updaterate is very low.

Having 1 fs2004 and 2 wideclients open, and sending data through them to the 2 client pc's who are running wideserver can't be faster than 400msec

400 mSecs!? Good grief! What's this running on, a Pentium 1GHz?

Assuming the PC is fast enough to run FS2004, try limiting the latter's frame rate so it shares the processor a little more. Either that or make sure you use a Pentium 4 3GHz or better with hyperthreading enabled.



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