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Private Message sender re Brakes please reply here!

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I was in the process of replying to a PM (Private Message) from an FSUIPC user who was complaining about the Brakes problem in version 3.45, when the system inexplicably came back with "user doesn't exist" and both his and my messages disappeared!

The message was comparing 3.44 with 3.45 and mentioned two problems -- one about the brakes not working (known and reported here a while back) and one concerning thrust reverse, for which I needed more details.

Can the person who posted it please re-post here (preferably with more details about the reverse problem) so I can deal with it properly? There was nothing private about the "Private Message" in any case. :wink:

Please, all readers, never post technical queries or bug reports privately. There's limited capacity there, both for numbers of posts and for attachments, no threading and so no history. Worse, only the poster and postee sees the message, so answers help no one else and may be a long time coming when I'm on holiday.



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