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Dumb question?...about ch throttle quad.

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Hi I'm thinking of buying the CH throttle quadrant, I do have a question regarding auto-throttle on 3rd party aircraft.

Lets' say I'm on final with the AT taking care of speed for me, if I want to disengage the AT to control speed manually with the quad obviously the throotles will still be at idle detent where I left them, if I move them from that position I will have a big speed fluctuation just when it is mostly undesirable (on final approach).

My fear is that I wont have enough time to get the correct thrust setting again by touchdown, on the real plane the throttles move when the AT makes changes to the thrust.

Is there a way of simulating the same result with fuispc?



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Is there a way of simulating the same result with fuispc?

No, but I've never noticed it as a problem -- your throttles should have been pulled back to idle of close for the descent in any case. The spooling delays are sufficient for you to "get the feel" for the correct throttle quickly enough.

The only other way would be to get a motor drive for the throttle quadrant with some interface for a driver in the PC.



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Hi I never said it was a problem for me in the first place, since I still don't have a great kwnoledge of your amazing interface I tought someone could clear my mind once and for all on this subject and you sure did that.



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