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Problem with FSUIPC v2.975

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I am having problems with the new FSUIPC version. It seems that it is causing a crash of the file "atc.dll". After some minutes FS just crashes. I have switched back to 2.972 and everything works again. What could cause the crash?

Unless you've somehow got a corrupted copy, I really don't think it can possibly be an FSUIPC problem. Changing the module is merely changing the order in which all the modules are loaded in the Modules folder, and therefore causing a slightly different memory arrangement. It sounds like something is going wrong in any case, but not always in such a way as you get a crash. ATC.DLL is not anywhere near anything that FSUIPC has anything to do with in any case, and the changes from 2.972 to 2.975 are trivial.

Possibilities are sound card problem, Traffic BGL or AFCAD problems (have you added any aircports or AI traffic stuff at all?).

If you are using Win95 or 98 or even ME, you can, if you like, try to get a DrWatson dump and I'll take a look. Please see the "If FS crashes ..." section of the FSUIPC User Guide. With Win2000 and XP I'm afraid the dumps are pretty useless to me.

You should know that I get the odd report that version x crashes FS whilst version x-1 does not EVERY SINGLE TIME I make a new release. In the 40-odd months it has been continually updated there's been only about one of these which turned out to be an FSUIPC problem (two counting the recent one where I fogot about FS98 in one release, and FSUIPC tried to do FS2002 things on that simulator which a nasty result!). Not long ago I went through an extensive (and intensive) exchange with one user who swore blind that the only thing he changed was FSUIPC -- until after over a week of this he suddenly realised he'd also installed a new aircraft or something too. when he de-installed that his problems disappeared!

I'm not saying this applies to you, but it is nonetheless wise to consider everything when faced with problems.



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You are right, but I haven't changed anything on my machine (the one I use for developing my own addon) and I can reproduce this crash. I don't know what ATC.dll is doing, but I don't get any crashes, if I use the older FSUIPC version. I will check out another machine in my office and see if I have a similar problem. I just thought maybe someone else had this problem. That's why I was posting it... If I can find something ou,t I will let know.



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