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Help with advdisp

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Hi All

I am sorry for the short and nonsensical Question--I typed a long question but I guess that I did not post it correctly---obviously.

Here is my problem---I am a moderately experienced flight simmer--and an old real life pilot trying to get all of this neat flight sim stuff running together. My present work through is with the advdisp text not being neat and readable—the text is sort of scattered all over the green transparent advdisp window--does this make sense---if not I will try to describe the problem in more detail

Cheers and thanks for any help that can be provided

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My present work through is with the advdisp text not being neat and readable—the text is sort of scattered all over the green transparent advdisp window

The green transparent window is FS's own window, it isn't produced by my AdvDisplay program. So I'm not at all sure why you are asking this here?

What is this text which is scattered all over? Is this from some external program using FSUIPC? Is that why you are here?

If you are using some program which produces such text with multiple lines, then you should know that FS itself only started handling multiple lines in that Window since FS2004. Perhaps you are using FS2002 or earlier, and are running a program which uses multiline facilities in my AdvDisplay DLL? If this is the case you will need to enable AdvDisplay (in the Modules menu) and set up its (non-transparent) window.



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Hi Peter

I am using Radar Contact and the PMDG 737-700 --the last time I used Radar contact (a year or so back) my RC text was being neatly displayed in your AdvDisp window and everything worked very well---now it does not---I have purchased the Registered Copy of FSUIPC at least three times and I downloaded a copy of your AdvDisp from your web site--installed it per directions--I have also purchased Wide FS a few times- (these little programs and their attendant reg keys always become lost with hard drive upgrades)--but I can not seem to get your nice AdvDisp window to pop up with good text

I am sorry if I am not being technically specific enough in my description of the problem---I cannot get AdvDisp to show up with my RC text in it!


Dorn Cranert

South Pacific Guadalcanal Traveler


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