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FSUIPC Jet Reverse

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I have a CH Pro set (throttle, Yoke and peddles) and have set the default throttle axis (on the yoke) to operate the spoiler axis and wet this to work as the reverser.

This all works fine except that it doesn't work with prop aircraft that have reverse (Twotter, DASH 8 and ATR's)

From what I can determine this is because the Use on Jets only Flag is on.

The problem I have is that I cannot change this. Whenever I set this to unchecked and themn come back in it is always set.

Can you please tell me what flag is being set in the FSUIPC.Ini file so I can manually edit it.

Thanks for your great work.


Russell Jourdain (NZL007/ZK-RHJ)

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Can you please tell me what flag is being set in the FSUIPC.Ini file so I can manually edit it.

It's the "/2" at the end of the Reverser= line in the [JoystickCalibration] section. Just delete the "/"2".

Good catch by the way -- the inability to remove it in the Options page is a definite bug. It'll be fixed in the next version of FSUIPC. No one else has mentioned it!



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