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Hi Pete

I am using FSUIPC ver 3.719 to assign all of my controller commands in FS2004 ie the joystick is disabled. Because I have both a CH Yoke, TQ and a Saitek-X52 and Saitek ProPedals all connected at the same time, I have created several aircraft specific assignments, for Yoke operated, stick operated aircraft, helicopters etc, with the appropriate entries in the FSUIPC.ini file. The assignments are all working well with no conflicts.

I am using the excellent command “ShortAircraftNameOK=Substring” which is also working well. My question as that I have 3-4 helicopters and their names are quite different, eg Robinson R22, Bell 208, Schweizer 300CBi, Abacaus Eurotiger, etc, I have an entry for each helicopter (which is exactly the same) in the “JOYSTICK CALIBRATION”, “AXES”, and “BUTTONS” sections of the FSUIPC.ini file. Would I be able to combine all of these helicopters into one section of the ini file if I assigned the following names in the appropriate sections?

For example:

Axes. Robinson Schweizer Bell Abacus

JoystickCalibration. Robinson Schweizer Bell Abacus

Buttons. Robinson Schweizer Bell Abacus

That is to say would they all be identified this way and/or would there be any conflicts, problems, etc?

I have also assigned specific commands (very successfully) to the single engine CESSNA aircraft that I have in my selection and this also picks up the Carenada and Wilco variants so I have the name Cessna in the following sections of the ini file.

Axes. Cessna

JoystickCalibration. Cessna

Buttons. Cessna

But say now I purchase a twin engine Cessna such as Flight 1’s Cessna Conquest II 441 and I wanted to assign different axes and buttons to this plane (and its variants) alone, and say that in the ini file it might have assigned in the 3 sections:

Axes. Flight1 Cessna Conquest II 441

JoystickCalibration. Flight1 Cessna Conquest II 441

Buttons. Flight1 Cessna Conquest II 441.

Would I leave these entries unchanged and would FSUIPC assign the correct controls to this aircraft and also to the single engine Cessna variants, ie are there likely to be any conflicts? Would it be better if I used just “Conquest”?

Thanks in advance


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My question as that I have 3-4 helicopters and their names are quite different, eg Robinson R22, Bell 208, Schweizer 300CBi, Abacaus Eurotiger, etc, I have an entry for each helicopter (which is exactly the same) in the “JOYSTICK CALIBRATION”, “AXES”, and “BUTTONS” sections of the FSUIPC.ini file. Would I be able to combine all of these helicopters into one section of the ini file if I assigned the following names in the appropriate sections?

For example:

Axes. Robinson Schweizer Bell Abacus

JoystickCalibration. Robinson Schweizer Bell Abacus

Buttons. Robinson Schweizer Bell Abacus

That is to say would they all be identified this way and/or would there be any conflicts, problems, etc?

No, sorry. that won't work. The substring is something that must occur, as it is, someplace within the aircraft name. The substring you are giving occurs in none of them.

Currently the only way to do what you want to do is to edit the names in each of the Aircraft.CFG files, adding, say, "Helo" to the end, then use that as the substring.

I may consider allowing multiple substrings, but it is far from trivial code and I won't be able to do it till later, maybe in March. Please write again then if you think it is still important.

But say now I purchase a twin engine Cessna such as Flight 1’s Cessna Conquest II 441 and I wanted to assign different axes and buttons to this plane (and its variants) alone, and say that in the ini file it might have assigned in the 3 sections:

Axes. Flight1 Cessna Conquest II 441

JoystickCalibration. Flight1 Cessna Conquest II 441

Buttons. Flight1 Cessna Conquest II 441.

Would I leave these entries unchanged and would FSUIPC assign the correct controls to this aircraft and also to the single engine Cessna variants, ie are there likely to be any conflicts? Would it be better if I used just “Conquest”?

I think, but I can't be 100% without re-checking (and, sorry, I don't have time just now), that it would be okay PROVIDED that the longer named section occurred earlier in the INI file -- in other words, it should select the first one which matches.



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