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getting FLOAT64 from C sharp

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It depends how you are talking to FSUIPC. I suspect you are using the C# SDK from the official FSUIPC SDK download. That doesn't support Float64s which is one of the reasons I wrote my FSUIPC Client DLL for .NET programmers.

You can read about it and download it in the sticky posting above:


If you're too far down the road of development to switch all your code then let me know and I'll see if I can provide you with a workaround for the original SDK or add float64 support to it.

I'll need to spend a bit of time on though so I'd prefer it if you use my DLL if at all possible.


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  • 2 years later...


Man I am disapointed!!! :(

I have been working on a piece of software for some time. A lot has been developed and let to the end the reading of float64 values. Now that I am working on solving this last milestone, I find this topic, I find that I can't handle these values. Man, you can't imagine the words that came out of my mouth. Pfffffff...

What can I do now? Start all over again and use phenty's DLL. That's an idea but I am really not into that, unless as a last resource.

Phenty, can you help me? Privode some code or pseudo-code so I can resume my work? Thank you anyway.

Best regards to all,

LOMBA, Emmanuel.

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Phenty, can you help me? Privode some code or pseudo-code so I can resume my work? Thank you anyway.

Sure, just add these 4 methods to the Fsuipc class in the fsuipc.cs file. They will add read and write support for FLOAT64 ('double' in C#) and FLOAT32 ('float' in C#). You can use these just as you do for int, long, short etc.

_get method for double (FLOAT64):

        ///<summary>Retrieve data read from FSUIPC using token passed during read request</summary>
        ///<param name="token">The unique identifier token returned from the Read call</param>
        ///<param name="result">Contains the "error-code" if method's boolean comes back false</param>
        ///<return>true if successful, false otherwise.  If false, dwResult contains the "error-code"</return>
        public bool FSUIPC_Get(ref int Token, ref double Result)
            int dwSize = 8;
            byte[] getBuffer = new byte[dwSize];
            if ((Token < 0) || (Token > IPC_BUFFER_SIZE - (4 + dwSize)))
            { //Token out of range
                return false;
            IntPtr heapbuf = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4);
            Marshal.Copy(IPC, Token, heapbuf, 4);
            int Size = Marshal.ReadInt32(heapbuf);
            if (dwSize > Size)
                dwSize = Size;    //Max size of return block is size of block written
            int idx = Token + 4;    //go past size block
            while (idx < Token + 4 + dwSize)
                getBuffer[idx - Token - 4] = IPC[idx];
                idx = idx + 1;
            if (IPCdr[Token])
                Result = BitConverter.ToDouble(getBuffer, 0);
                IPCdr[Token] = false;
                return true;
            {    // if (data ready flag not set, function returns false and value found
                return false;

_get method for float (FLOAT32):

        ///<summary>Retrieve data read from FSUIPC using token passed during read request</summary>
        ///<param name="token">The unique identifier token returned from the Read call</param>
        ///<param name="result">Contains the "error-code" if method's boolean comes back false</param>
        ///<return>true if successful, false otherwise.  If false, dwResult contains the "error-code"</return>
        public bool FSUIPC_Get(ref int Token, ref float Result)
            int dwSize = 4;
            byte[] getBuffer = new byte[dwSize];
            if ((Token < 0) || (Token > IPC_BUFFER_SIZE - (4 + dwSize)))
            { //Token out of range
                return false;
            IntPtr heapbuf = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4);
            Marshal.Copy(IPC, Token, heapbuf, 4);
            int Size = Marshal.ReadInt32(heapbuf);
            if (dwSize > Size)
                dwSize = Size;    //Max size of return block is size of block written
            int idx = Token + 4;    //go past size block
            while (idx < Token + 4 + dwSize)
                getBuffer[idx - Token - 4] = IPC[idx];
                idx = idx + 1;
            if (IPCdr[Token])
                Result = BitConverter.ToSingle(getBuffer, 0);
                IPCdr[Token] = false;
                return true;
            {    // if (data ready flag not set, function returns false and value found
                return false;

_write method for double (FLOAT64)

        ///<summary>Submits a write request</summary>
        ///<param name="dwOffset">The memory offset where the referenced value is located</param>
        ///<param name="param">The value to be written</param>
        ///<param name="token">Contains the unique identifier token used to Get the value</param>
        ///<param name="dwResult">Contains the "error-code" if method's boolean comes back false</param>
        ///<return>true if successful, false otherwise.  If false, dwResult contains the "error-code"</return>
        public bool FSUIPC_Write(int dwOffset, double param, ref int Token, ref int dwResult)
            int dwSize = 8;
            byte[] writeBuffer = new byte[dwSize];
            writeBuffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(param);
            if ((IPCAlloc + dwSize + 4) >= (IPC_BUFFER_SIZE - 1))
            {  //Reset ptr to startbuf
                IPCAlloc = 0;
            // Assign Token as index into IPC Buffer FifO, and clear data ready flags
            Token = IPCAlloc;
            int i;
            for (i = IPCAlloc; i < (IPCAlloc + 4 + dwSize - 1); i++)
            { // 4=size of int datablock size hdr
                IPC[i] = 0;
                IPCdr[i] = false;
            IPCAlloc = IPCAlloc + 4 + dwSize;    //first four bytes data block size (Int) plus data
            IntPtr heapbuf = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4);
            Marshal.WriteInt32(heapbuf, dwSize);      // Translate size Int32 to unmanaged byte stream
            Marshal.Copy(heapbuf, IPC, Token, 4);     // Write size header to IPC array
            for (i = 0; i < dwSize; i++)
                IPC[Token + 4 + i] = writeBuffer[i];       //xfer byte array to IPC managed FifO buffer
            return FSUIPC_Write_Req(dwOffset, dwSize, Token, ref dwResult);

_write method for float (FLOAT32)

        ///<summary>Submits a write request</summary>
        ///<param name="dwOffset">The memory offset where the referenced value is located</param>
        ///<param name="param">The value to be written</param>
        ///<param name="token">Contains the unique identifier token used to Get the value</param>
        ///<param name="dwResult">Contains the "error-code" if method's boolean comes back false</param>
        ///<return>true if successful, false otherwise.  If false, dwResult contains the "error-code"</return>
        public bool FSUIPC_Write(int dwOffset, float param, ref int Token, ref int dwResult)
            int dwSize = 4;
            byte[] writeBuffer = new byte[dwSize];
            writeBuffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(param);
            if ((IPCAlloc + dwSize + 4) >= (IPC_BUFFER_SIZE - 1))
            {  //Reset ptr to startbuf
                IPCAlloc = 0;
            // Assign Token as index into IPC Buffer FifO, and clear data ready flags
            Token = IPCAlloc;
            int i;
            for (i = IPCAlloc; i < (IPCAlloc + 4 + dwSize - 1); i++)
            { // 4=size of int datablock size hdr
                IPC[i] = 0;
                IPCdr[i] = false;
            IPCAlloc = IPCAlloc + 4 + dwSize;    //first four bytes data block size (Int) plus data
            IntPtr heapbuf = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4);
            Marshal.WriteInt32(heapbuf, dwSize);      // Translate size Int32 to unmanaged byte stream
            Marshal.Copy(heapbuf, IPC, Token, 4);     // Write size header to IPC array
            for (i = 0; i < dwSize; i++)
                IPC[Token + 4 + i] = writeBuffer[i];       //xfer byte array to IPC managed FifO buffer
            return FSUIPC_Write_Req(dwOffset, dwSize, Token, ref dwResult);

Let me know if you need any help using them or they don't work as expected.


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Hello Paul,

many many thanks for your help.

I copied the four methods you provided in your last post, recompiled the code, but unfortunately nothing changed.

So far, for testing purposes, I am trying to read the cowl flaps lever position value as follows (please take a look):

//Global variables
double cowl_flaps = 0.0;


//cowl flaps
result = fsuipc.FSUIPC_Read(0x37F0, 8, ref token, ref dwResult);
result = fsuipc.FSUIPC_Process(ref dwResult);
result = fsuipc.FSUIPC_Get(ref token, ref dwResult);
cowl_flaps = dwResult;
textBox4.Text = cowl_flaps.ToString();

This value should be between 0.0 and 1.0 (fully open and fully closed, respectively). However I always get a signed integer.

For example, when in FSInterrogate I get 0,78, in my textbox I get -1889785610.

What am I missing or doing wrong? Thank you very much for your help!!!

Best regards,

LOMBA, Emmanuel.

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What am I missing or doing wrong? Thank you very much for your help!!!

When you use the fsuipc_get() method, the 'result' parameter must be the same type as the data stored in the FSUIPC offset. In this case the data is stored as a FLOAT64, so you need to pass a double variable (cowl_flaps) as the 'result' (not dwResult which I suspect is an int or long).

So your code should be this:

//Global variables
double cowl_flaps = 0.0;


//cowl flaps
result = fsuipc.FSUIPC_Read(0x37F0, 8, ref token, ref dwResult);
result = fsuipc.FSUIPC_Process(ref dwResult);
result = fsuipc.FSUIPC_Get(ref token, ref cowl_flaps);
textBox4.Text = cowl_flaps.ToString();


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