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Problems sending message to FS using VB6

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Hello once again!

I have a little trouble sending messages to FS, realy odd...

What happens is that the messages appears fine in FS, but each time it's updated (using a VB timer) it's changing style, so somtimes it's red and scrolling,

somtimes it's white and not scrolling, sometimes it's red not scrolling and somtimes it's white and scrolling. I cannot understand why it's a "random" style?

As you can se here in my code, everything should be correct for a standard "NON SCROLLING MESSAGE" ?

Function paxBoarding(pax)

    If dwResult = "0" Then
        boardedPax = boardedPax + 1
        If boardedPax <> pax Then

        main.logg.AddItem (boardedPax)
        If FSUIPC_WriteS(&H3380, 128, "Aircraft is boarding: " & boardedPax & " of " & pax & " passangers has boarded.", dwResult) And FSUIPC_Write(&H32FA, 2, VarPtr("0"), dwResult) And FSUIPC_Write(&H1274, 2, VarPtr("0"), dwResult) Then FSUIPC_Process (dwResult)


        main.logg.AddItem ("Boarding klart! " & boardedPax & " passagerare ombord")
        main.checkForFSTimer.Enabled = True

        End If
    End If

End Function

Please some VB-guru, help me solve this problem! :(

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What happens is that the messages appears fine in FS, but each time it's updated (using a VB timer) it's changing style, so somtimes it's red and scrolling,

somtimes it's white and not scrolling, sometimes it's red not scrolling and somtimes it's white and scrolling. I cannot understand why it's a "random" style?

As you can se here in my code, everything should be correct for a standard "NON SCROLLING MESSAGE" ?

I don't know VB, but don't "" normally enclose a string? If so, then all these are wrong:

If dwResult = "0"

FSUIPC_Write(&H32FA, 2, VarPtr("0"), dwResult)

FSUIPC_Write(&H1274, 2, VarPtr("0"), dwResult)

A string "0" is NOT the same as an integer which is zero, nor (for 32FA or 1274 a 2-byte (16 bit) value which is 0! "0" is certainly not 0!

Why are you writing to 1274? That is an FS menu option. I'd delete that part if I were you, in any case. It isn't part of this facility.

And here:

If FSUIPC_WriteS(&H3380, 128, "Aircraft is boarding: " & boardedPax & " of " & pax & " passangers has boarded.", dwResult)

it is very inefficient to write 128 bytes when the string is a lot shorter than that, and may cause your program to crash if the undeclared bytes are not in accessible memory.

Do you have any VB programming books you can learn a little more about it from?



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