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Landing Gear&Reverse

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Hi! I'm new, and sorry for my poor English.

Well, I've a question about the setting of Fsuipc. I use the Saitek Pro Yoke with the throttle quadrant. I red on a Italian Forum that Fsuipc can set the levels of the throttle to other function, impossible to set with only Fs9.

My question is, how I can set reverse on the engine level and landing gear (retract/extract) on other level (ex: mixture level)?

Thank you for the patience.


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My question is, how I can set reverse on the engine level and landing gear (retract/extract) on other level (ex: mixture level)?

If you want a dedicated Reverser, rather than reverse on part of the throttle, then you can either assign it to the Mixture in FS, then calibrate the Reverser in FSUIPC joystick calibrations, or assign the lever to "Reverser" in FSUIPC's axis assignments, using the "direct to FSUIPC" option.

If you just want reverse on a portion of the throttle, go to the Throttle calibration in FSUIPC and check to "Map to 4 throttles" options, then go to the 4 throttles page a calibrate the 1st throttle with reverse and idle positions as well as max.

For Gear Up/Down on a lever you assign the lever in FSUIPC Axis Assignments, and use the right=hand side for those controls, do not assign an axis control. This particular use of an axis is actually the example provided in the FSUIPC User Guide, and that provides more details (and pictures) than I can provide here, so please refer to the User Guide. All your questions are answered there in any case.


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