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why cant I cant contact any one about a problem

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I purchasched a key for flight sim 2004 now it wont let me regisyer some b.s about wdfie and it wonr accept my key any where . I tried phning guess what fake phone number is this a scam do u pass out phony keys ive tried sending emails guess what im told to go here pete does not ansewer e mails is he a real person oe a con artist. if any one can hel i would apreciate it.

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I purchasched a key for flight sim 2004 now it wont let me regisyer some b.s about wdfie and it wonr accept my key any where . I tried phning guess what fake phone number is this a scam do u pass out phony keys ive tried sending emails guess what im told to go here pete does not ansewer e mails is he a real person oe a con artist. if any one can hel i would apreciate it.

Sorry, that is all gibbering nonsense. I don't publish any phone numbers and I answer all sensible email, but I don't openly publish my email address either. You seem very confused, even demented, to say the least.

Stop, think, write separate sentences. Read what you write before pressing send. If it makes no sense to you it makes no sense to anyone else. And if you come here making stupid wild accusations you will get nowhere, I will simply delete your messages without comment.

If you have a problem with some purchase at SimMarket then they do have a proper procedure, which works, and it does not involve Emails or Phones. You need to raise something called a "Problem Ticket". Take a look. I'm afraid I have nothing to do with the SimMarket side of things, I can only help you with technical problems, but for that you do need to actually explain them. Okay?


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