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Register Problems with FSUIPC4 and WideFS7

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Hello Pete

I bought FSUIPC4 on jan 2007 and registered it.

Fos use with FSComander I bought WIDEFS7 via simmarket.

I had for WIDEFS to use another emailaddres. The emailaddres for FSUIPC will not be used anymore.

When I will register FSUIPC and WIDEFS using the 2 keys I got and the two differend emailaddresses, then or FSUIPC is not registerd or WIDEFS, depending on witch I do first.

First FSUIPC and then WIDEFS, FSUIPC is unregistered, WIDEFS is registered.

What do I wrong???


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When I will register FSUIPC and WIDEFS using the 2 keys I got and the two differend emailaddresses, then or FSUIPC is not registerd or WIDEFS, depending on witch I do first.

First FSUIPC and then WIDEFS, FSUIPC is unregistered, WIDEFS is registered.

The registration system uses the email address (or street address) plus your name merely to identify you. They are both tied irrevocably to the registration key. Two different names or two different addresses look like two different people, and registration for two different people at the same time in the same FS session is not allowed.

What do I wrong???

Well, it does mention this in the FSUIPC documentation, in the section on Registration. You would then have to mention the original Email address to SimMarket when you ordered -- I expect you now have two different accounts with them, too?

The quickest way to resolve it now is probably to raise a problem ticket in SimMarket, explain the problem, and they can either replace your FSUIPC key or your WideFS key, as you desire.



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