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Key assigments

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I use FSUIPC to control everything...

Which is the command I need to assign to see the info bar displaying the frame rate counter??

Well, you can either use the same keyboard combination -- Shift+Z (cycles through info bar 1, then 2 then 1+2 then both off), or the FS control which that keystroke invokes. I think in Flight mode the control is "READOUTS FLIGHT" and in Slew mode it's "READOUTS SLEW". Try those anyway.

For any FS control you know how to invoke you can work out what the FS control name for it is by using FSUIPC's logging. Just enable "Event" logging on the logging tab, operate the control, and look at the FSUIPC4.LOG file (from the FSX Modules folder). If you switch FSX to windowed mode, you can have the FSUIPC4 log displayed on screen in real time, just choose the Console option also on the Logging tab.



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