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minipanel panel_ID?

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I asked about this a very long time ago, but never got it resolved

in the FSX list of PANEL_ID's, there is a

MINI_CONTROLS_PANEL with id value: 100

But, this seems to be for a nondefined 'default' minipanel (old round clocks) perhaps? (or it does nothing?)

f.i. Beech King Air has a


defined in its panel.cfg, and now, this one, I cannot call with parameter '100' (i.e. C66506, 100)

entering the asci "MINIPANEL' in the parameter field resets itself back to '0'

changing the Ident= to f.i. Ident=9999, and calling parameter 9999 rather disables the minipanel

can't find anything anywhere, have now posted on fsdeveloper.com also

because it's really bugging me :evil: , well sort of :D thx , mt

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I asked about this a very long time ago, but never got it resolved

in the FSX list of PANEL_ID's, there is a

MINI_CONTROLS_PANEL with id value: 100

But, this seems to be for a nondefined 'default' minipanel (old round clocks) perhaps? (or it does nothing?)

f.i. Beech King Air has a


The full list of panel IDs in the FSX Panels & Gauges SDK code header file is

// Panel identifiers
#define IDENT_MAIN_PANEL                        0
#define IDENT_MAIN_PANEL_ALT1                    1
#define IDENT_MAIN_PANEL_ALT2                    2
#define IDENT_MAIN_PANEL_ALT3                    3
#define IDENT_MAIN_PANEL_ALT4                    4
#define IDENT_MAIN_PANEL_ALT5                    5
#define IDENT_MAIN_PANEL_ALT6                    6
#define IDENT_MAIN_PANEL_ALT7                    7
#define IDENT_MAIN_PANEL_ALT8                    8
#define IDENT_MAIN_PANEL_ALT9                    9
#define IDENT_THROTTLE_PANEL                    10
#define IDENT_RADIO_STACK_PANEL                 50
#define IDENT_COMPASS_PANEL                     75
#define IDENT_MINI_CONTROLS_PANEL               100
#define IDENT_ANNUNCIATOR_PANEL                 125
#define IDENT_ANNUNCIATOR2_PANEL                150
#define IDENT_IFR_MAIN_PANEL                    175
#define IDENT_COLLECTIVE_PANEL                  200
#define IDENT_GPS_PANEL                         225
#define IDENT_OVERHEAD_PANEL                    250
#define IDENT_PARKING_BRAKE_PANEL               251
#define IDENT_FLAPS_TRIM_PANEL                  252
#define IDENT_FUEL_PANEL                        253
#define IDENT_ELECTRICAL_PANEL                  254
#define IDENT_TRIM_PANEL                        255
#define IDENT_LANDING_GEAR_PANEL                256
#define IDENT_MISC_POPUP_1                      260
#define IDENT_MISC_POPUP_2                      261
#define IDENT_MISC_POPUP_3                      262
#define IDENT_MISC_POPUP_4                      263
#define IDENT_MISC_POPUP_5                      264
#define IDENT_MISC_POPUP_6                      265
#define IDENT_MISC_POPUP_7                      266
#define IDENT_MISC_POPUP_8                      267
#define IDENT_MISC_POPUP_9                      268
#define IDENT_MISC_POPUP_10                     269

#define IDENT_USER                              10000
#define IDENT_USER_MAX                          19999

#define MIN_HUD_IDENT                           20000
#define IDENT_AIRCRAFT_HUD_3D_PANEL             20000
#define IDENT_HELICOPTER_HUD_3D_PANEL           20001
#define IDENT_CONTROLS_HUD_3D_PANEL             20002
#define IDENT_TEXT_HUD_3D_PANEL                 20003
#define IDENT_DAMAGE_HUD_3D_PANEL               20004
#define IDENT_SCORE_HUD_3D_PANEL                20005
#define MAX_HUD_IDENT                           20006

#define IDENT_LSO_WINDOW                        22000
#define IDENT_POI_WINDOW                        22001
#define IDENT_TIMER_WINDOW                      22002
#define IDENT_DROPPABLE_OBJ_WINDOW              22003

#define IDENT_INVALID                           4294967295

But that file does not define the string names, only the names to be used in gauge and panel code. The ESP SDK includes this list of names:

MAIN_PANEL_ALTn (where n is 1 to 9) 
MISC_POPUP_n (where n is 1 to 10) 

but how these equate to numbers isn't stated. Note, however, that there is a "MINPANEL" as well as a "MINI_CONTROLS_PANEL". The listing order of these follows the numeric assignment order in the include file, so my first guess for MINIPANEL would be 270, though of course it could be anything between 269 and 10000. [but see below!]

entering the asci "MINIPANEL' in the parameter field resets itself back to '0'

Of course. The parameter must be numerical. How does it know how to translate "MINIPANEL"?


Found it in the "PANELS.DLL" of FSX. It's 20000, the same as the number assigned to "AIRCRAFT_HUD_3D_PANEL"



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