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Getting a wideclient error message

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I just added a 7th computer to my cockpit, copied the wideclient folder from a working computer over to the new one. When I double click the wideclient.exe i get the error message "TCP/IP needs ServerName or IP address" I have checked it 5 times in the .INI file and all is correct. I tried pinging the server computer(FS9) from the new one and it reads fine. I can access it thru network neighborhood ok too. I'm using winxp on all but the new one which is win98. ALready set it up using the winxp network setup tool. Any ideas? FSUIPC 3.04 and widefs 6.02



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I just added a 7th computer to my cockpit, copied the wideclient folder from a working computer over to the new one. When I double click the wideclient.exe i get the error message "TCP/IP needs ServerName or IP address" I have checked it 5 times in the .INI file and all is correct. I tried pinging the server computer(FS9) from the new one and it reads fine. I can access it thru network neighborhood ok too. I'm using winxp on all but the new one which is win98. ALready set it up using the winxp network setup tool. Any ideas?

None at all, sorry, because I would need to see the INI file and the WideClient LOG. But I can tell you that Wideclient can only produce that message if there was no server name or IP address parameter in the INI file. It is NOT a Network error, as it won't have even attemnpted anything on the network, it is just saying that an essential parameter is missing.

Double check that where you are looking at the INI file is definitely where you are running Wideclient from. I've had reports like this before where no amount of INI checking and editing did anything at all because they were running WideClient from a completely different folder!


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I just deleted it all, reinstalled, reset .ini to the same parameters it had and now it works? :) Who knows, at least it's working again. thanks,


Sounds like it was reading a different file to the one you thought it was! Never mind, glad it's okay now.


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